KGH Charter and By-Laws, Published 1904
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the wards is not below 68 nor above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and shall report any interference with their duties to the Directress of Nurses.
Cl. 7. Liquors shall be prescribed in the same manner as medicines, and, together with extra diet, shall be given by nurses only.
Cl. 8. The day nurses shall see that the patients and wards are in a proper condition before leaving them to the night nurses.
Cl. 9. Immediately after admission, the physician in charge shall, if it be deemed advisable by him, direct that the patients shall be taken to the bath-room by the nurse in charge, and after they are thoroughly cleansed be provided with Hospital clothes. The clothing of the patient, with a list thereof, shall be properly labeled and placed in the clothes room until the patient leaves the Hospital. Garments requiring disinfection should first be sent to the engineer for that purpose. Authority to destroy them when necessary will be given to him by the Superintendent on recommendation of the Interne.
Cl. 10. No nurse shall be present at any post-mortem examination except by special permission of the Directress of Nurses.
Cl. 11. The placing or washing of clothes in the baths, sinks, or wash bowls, is strictly forbidden.
Cl. 12. The nurses must, without delay, place all soiled bedding, bed-clothing and clothing in proper receptacles, and see that they are removed to either the steam boxes or engine room, as may be deemed proper.
Cl. 13. Immediately after surgical dressings, bandages, etc., are changed, the nurse must see that those no longer in use are taken from the wards and disposed of as ordered by the Directress of Nurses.
Cl. 14. Nurses are forbidden to place vessels, bottles or other articles on the plumbing apparatus, or under the heating pipes.
Cl. 15. Loud talking across wards, halls, and unnecessary noise of any kind is forbidden.
KGH Charter and By-Laws, Published 1904 — No Comments
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