TMC’s new Location on Dameron Avenue
Medical College Building
Dirt will be broken for the new building of Tennessee Medical college within thirty days. The plans of the architects are now being considered and it is probably that the plans will be adopted to-morrow, at most they will be in a few days. The new building will be a model in all respects and provided with all conveniences for the purpose for which it is designed.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, March 23, 1890, page 4
The Plans Presented. The new Medical College To Be of a most Modern Pattern in Every Detail
The faculty of the Tennessee Medical college held a meeting yesterday, at which the building committees presented plans for the new building to be erected at the corner of Cleveland and Dameron avenues on a lot recently purchased by the faculty of the institution.
The building to be constructed will be of brick with stone trimmings. It will be four stories in height, and will contain two amphitheaters, with a seating capacity of 374 each. The plans provide for perfect arrangement for laboratory instruction, and the building will contain ample room for dispensory [sic] service.
The dissecting room will be a large one, will contain all the apparatus necessary in the work, and may justly claim the name of being the most complete dissecting room in the south.
Dr. Drake is worthy of the praise for the plans of the new building which will be Romanesque in architecture. Not only has he suggested the style of the building in every detail, but he has himself drawn the plans for the structure, from which Messrs. Chamberlain & McGeoy of Memphis will formulate their building plans.
Mr. Chamberlain is now in the city conferring with the building committee and completing arrangements which, when finished will be the most commodious of the kind in the country and be modern in every respect.
It will be ready for the fall lectures in September next, and will offer to students throughout the south superior advantages in obtaining medical and dental instruction.
The corner-stone of the new building will be laid inside of thirty days with appropriate exercise for such an occasion.
Dr. Drake leaves to-day for Memphis to attend a meeting of the State Medical society.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, April 8, 1890, page 8
Notice to Contractors
Tennessee Medical College,
Knoxville, April 23, 1880 [sic].
Sealed proposals will be received until Saturday, May 3, 1890, at 12 m., for all material and labor required to construct a four-story college building, to be located on the S. E. corner of Cleveland street and Dameron avenue, North Knoxville, in accordance with the plans, drawings, specifications and details, copies of which may be seen at the offices of the undersigned.
The structure is to be built of brick, with stone trimmings.
Bids may be made to include the work complete or in part; the committee reserving the right to reject any or all bids.
Chas. M. Drake, M. M.,
Chairman Building Committee.
75 Church street
Chamberlin & McGee, Architects,
297 Second street,
Memphis, Tenn.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, April 24, 1890, page 6
The Medical College
The building committee of the Tennessee Medical college, Dr. C. M. Drake chairman, is ready to receive bids for the excavation for the new college building in North Knoxville, which will be erected this summer unless something happens to prevent it.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, May 1, 1890, page 1
North Knoxville. Items of Interest from Our Northern Suburbs
The grounds for the new medical college, to be located at the corner of Damron [sic] avenue and Cleveland street, were staked yesterday. Excavations for the found of the building will be commenced at once and the building will be pushed forward rapidly.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, May 1, 1890, page 3
To Be Let To-Day. The Contracts for the New Medical College to Be Let To-day
The stockholders of the new medical college met at Dr. Ristine’s office Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock, for the purpose of opening the bids submitted by the contractors for the erection of the new building.
Six or eight bids had been handed in, and it was found that Messrs. Stephenson, Getaz & Co., had offered to do the work for the least sum of money, but as the directors wish to advise several changes, it was decided that the contracts would not be let until Monday.
Messrs. Chamberlain & Burford, the architects, are having cuts of the building made in St. Louis, and it is expected that they will be ready for delivery in a few days.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, May 26, 1890, page 5
North Knoxville
The East Tennessee Medical college is about ready for the roof.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 30, 1890, page 3
North End Council
Dr. Ristine, representing the Tennesee [sic] Medigal [sic] College, stated that at an expense of about $25,000 that institution had been completed and would be ready for occupancy in about three weeks. When bad weather set in it would be almost impossible to reach the building, because there were no pavements in the vicinity of the college. He asked the council to curb and macadamize Cleveland street and Damaron [sic] avenue in order that pavements might be laid around the institution.
On motion of Alderman Moses, curbing was ordered put in on Damaron [sic] avenue from Central avenue to within a few feet of the college building.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, November 16, 1890, Part 9
North Knoxville. What Is Going on in that Section of the City
The Tennessee Medical college people, who have been temporarily located in the Patterson block, will in about two weeks move into their new and handsome structure on Dameron avenue.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, November 19, 1890, page 3
An Elegant Building. The New Tennessee Medical College Opened Yesterday. Dr. Drake Delivers the First Lecture — An Extended Description of the Finest Medical College South of the Ohio River
The Tennessee Medical College was informally opened yesterday. The new building is the finest institution of the kind south of the Ohio river. It is five stories high including the basement, and it [sic] about seventy-five feet in front. In 1891 an annex then to be added will make the building one hundred and twelve feet in length.
On the first floor is the large main entrance. To the right, after entering the spacious hallway, is the students’ waiting room, which leads to the registrar’s private office. To the left, occupying nearly one-half the length of the entire building, is the large chemical laboratory, which will immediately be fitted up with all the improvements known to modern chemistry. Here also will be given all lectures on chemistry.
The drug store and patients’ waiting room and the janitor’s room are also located on this floor.
A smaller entrance on the same floor leads to the arena of the auditorium and the private room of the members of the faculty.
On the second floor is located the auditorium, with a seating capacity of four hundred. This room is fitted up with opera chairs of the latest improved style. The floor gradually slopes to the platform, each succeeding tier being eighteen inches lower than the one behind.
This is the main lecture room for the students and is probably the most complete one of its kind in the country.
The dental operating room and the dental laboratory are on the second floor. All patients for this department will receive careful and expert attention free of charge.
The museum is on this floor and also occupies an equal space on the floor above. It is fitted up with models, diagrams, skeletons and one hundred and fifty fine illustrative paintings, all enclosed in glass cases.
On the third floor are the microscopical and pathological laboratories. Here also is a private room for the professor of anatomy.
The amphitheater and upper lecture room are opposite this office. A hallway leads from the office of the professor of anatomy to the gallery of the museum.
On the fourth floor is the amphitheater, built after the antique style, fitted up with opera chairs, with a seating capacity of nearly four hundred.
On the main hall on this floor is a large room to be used as a students’ library and reading room. This room will be supplied with all the medical periodicals and medical text book [sic].
The dissecting room, one of the largest in the south, is also on the top floor. This room is well lighted and ventilated and equipped with the best dissecting tables made. The walls are covered with anatomical charts. The room is 31×68 feet.
The basement occupies the entire length and breadth of the building. Here are the engines and boilers heating the entire building.
The building is without doubt the finest and best equipped of its kind south of the Ohio river and was erected at a cost of $25,000. It is situated at the corner of Cleveland street and Dameron avenue in North Knoxville. It commands a view of the whole city and is an ornament to the Queen City of the South.
The new college opened under favorable auspices, there being over one hundred students in attendance yesterday.
Dr. C. M. Drake, professor of anatomy, was accorded the honor of delivering the first lecture. His appearance in the arena was greeted with rapturous applause by the students and a large number of local physicians who were in attendance.
Promptly at 4 p.m. Dr. Drake commenced his lecture on the “Ligaments of the Spine.” The lecture was an excellent one, and at its conclusion the speaker was heartily applauded.
Dr. J. C. Cawood, dean of the faculty, and Dr. C. E. Ristine made neat and appropriate speeches, which were received with applause.
Clinics will hereafter be held regularly three days out of each week, and patients suffering from any disease whatever will be treated free of charge. The object of the faculty in establishing clinics is to enable the students to obtain both a practical as well as a theoretical education.
The faculty has a double purpose in so doing to give the student a practical education and to relieve suffering humanity, at least that portion that cannot afford to pay doctors’ bill. All operations will be performed by or under the direct supervision of members of the faculty and witnessed by the students.
The formal opening of the college will occur Saturday, December 20th, with an address by Dr. C. M. Drake. The public will be invited to attend.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, December 12, 1890, page 8
Medical College
It had been announced that dedicatory exercises of the Medical college building would take place to-morrow. This, however, has been postponed owing to the fact that all interior arrangements of furniture has [sic] not been completed. Due announcement of time will be made latter [sic].
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, January 4, 1891, page 12
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