Resolutions on the Death of Dr. Charles Wilson in 1891
Resolutions of Respect
At a special meeting of the faculty of the Tennessee medical college, convened December 29, 1891, to take action regarding the loss by death of one of its members, Dr. Charles Meigs Wilson, eulogistic and appropriate remarks were made, and a committee was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the regard and esteem with which Dr. Wilson was held, and of heartfelt sympathy for the widow and family.
Following are the resolutions adopted:
Whereas, by the decease of our colleague, Dr. Charles Meigs Wilson, professor of gynaecology, and of diseases of children, this faculty has sustained an irreparable loss, the Tennessee Medical college an enthusiastic admirer, worker and confidante, and the students an able teacher, friend and counsellor; therefore be it
Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the departed to express our realization that we mourn one who has proven himself worthy our [sic] respect, admiration, affection and pride.
Resolved, That severe as we believe the loss is to us, in the death of Dr. Wilson, we know it must be still greater to those who were nearest and dearest to him; therefore,
Resolved, That with such, the family, we tenderly and sincerely condole, on the despensation [sic] with which it has pleased Divine Providence, to assist them.
Resolved, That this heartfelt testimonial of our sympathy and sorrow be spread upon the records of the Tennessee Medical college, a copy to be transmitted to the widow and children and the mother and brothers of our departed friend, and a copy be furnished the city press for publication.
Wm. C. Bailey, Chas. M. Drake, Henry R. Gibson, committee.
At a special meeting of the Knox county medical society held in their hall over M’Campbell’s drug store, on Tuesday December 29th, the president, Dr. Scruggs being in the chair. Dr. Drake stated that the object of the meeting was to express the feelings of the society at the sad death of their late brother member, Dr. Charles Meigs Wilson. Remarks were made touching the life and character of the late Dr. Wilson.
On motion a committee of three, consisting of Drs. Drake, Baily [sic] and Burnett was appointed by the chair to present resolutions expressing the feelings of the society in the death of Dr. Wilson. The committee submitted the following resolutions which were adopted by the society and ordered spread upon its records and published in the city daily papers.
Whereas, it has been communicated to this society that Dr. Charles Meigs Wilson is dead.
Therefore, resolved that in his death this society recognizes the loss of an able member a conscientious and scientific physician and a worthy and esteemed citizen of Knoxville.
Resolved, that this society begs to tender to the family of the deceased its profound sympathy.
Resolved, that these proceeding be spread upon the records of the society and transmitted to the family of the deceased.
A. D. Scruggs, M. D., President.
M. H. Lee, M. D., Secretary
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, January 3, 1892, page 10
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