Meetings of the Hospital Board in the Summer of 1896
Hospital Board
At a meeting of the hospital building and promoting board yesterday morning the ladies decided to accept the offer of the Pythians and Essenics to furnish them with something to eat at their picnic July 16th.
The place at which the picnic is to be held has not yet been selected, but will be named at a meeting of Pythians, Essenics and ladies of the Hospital board Wednesday morning at ten o’clock at Corona hall, Henson building. Committees to co-operate with the Hospital board in the hospital work have been appointed by the Essenics, Pythians and Odd Fellows.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, June 21, 1896, page 1
Hospital Board Met Yesterday To Consider Offer of Essenics and Pythians
The ladies of the hospital board held a meeting in the Young Men’s Christian association parlors yesterday morning, at which time the proposition of the Essenics and Pythian Knights relative to the ladies serving the refreshments at the Military Tournament of the orders, was heard. The ladies took the matter under advisement and a definite decision will be made at the next meeting to be held Wednesday morning of this week.
The Knights are desirous that the ladies should take this privilege and offer it to them free of cost. The ladies are, however, undecided on account of the fact that considerable work will have to be done to prepare for it. They will canvass the opinion of the board, and, as stated above will decide the matter next Wednesday.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, June 21, 1896, page 11
Ladies’ Hospital Board Met Yesterday to Perfect Final Arrangements for Tournament
The ladies hospital board met in the Young Men’s Christian association parlors at 10 o’clock yesterday morning. The object of the meeting was to hear reports from the various committees appointed to solicit refreshments, etc., for the military tournament at Lake Ottosee next Thursday. As is already generally known, these ladies are to serve the refreshments on that occasion.
The reports of the committees were very encouraging, and gave evidence that the public is in sympathy with the movement. Sufficient cakes, hams, breads, etc., have been promised to supply the stands that will be open on the grounds, and the ladies anticipate having quite a fund on hand at the conclusion of the day’s work.
The tournament will, without doubt, be a success, and the ladies are doing their part to make it such.
The badges which are to be worn Thursday were distributed to the ladies yesterday. The are of white ribbon, upon which is a red cross and the word “hospital.” These are significant of the cause in which the ladies are working.
All persons who have promised articles to be used on the day of the tournament, are requested to send to the residences of either Mrs. H. G. Bayless on Main street, or Mrs. W. C. McCoy, on East Fifth avenue.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, July 14, 1896, page 3
Hospital Board Met Yesterday To Confer with Representatives of Secret Orders
The ladies of the hospital board met the conference committee of the secret organizations at the Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday morning. The meeting was purely informal and was the first conference that has been held by the ladies of the board and the gentlemen of the secret orders committee.
The various plans for future work were discussed and it was finally decided to arrange for a series of lectures, entertainments, etc., to be given this fall and winter for the purpose of raising funds for the hospital. Plans looking to this have already been partially arranged and a formal announcement of the series will be probably be made at an early date.
It was decided yesterday that all funds should be deposited with the ladies board as fast as raised and that the societies should assist in every way possible the efforts that will be made by the ladies.
It is probably that the hospital board will be incorporated. This was suggested yesterday but no definite action was taken in the matter.
There is a spirit of unity characterizing the efforts of both the ladies board and the conference committee and it is generally conceded that working together as they are the movement is destined to be a success.
The ladies are congratulating themselves over the success of their efforts at the military tournament last Friday. They succeeded in raising about $130 for the hospital fund.
Another meeting of the two committees will be held next Tuesday morning at ten o’clock and it is probable that in the meantime the joint committee of representatives of the orders will meet and hear a report from the conference committee.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, July 23, 1896, page 6
Hospital Meeting. Executive Committee of Ladies and Advisory Board Meet Today
The executive committee of the ladies hospital board will meet the advisory board of gentlemen at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this morning at 10 o’clock.
The meeting will be for the purpose of considering the matter of securing a charter for the enterprise and of planning for the future financial interests of the movement. The meeting is being looked forward to as one of importance to the interests of the movement, and it is therefore desired that every member of both the executive committee and advisory board be present.
The advisory board is composed of Hon. S. G. Heiskell, Hon. W. L. Welcker, Hon. M. L. Ross, Col. James Van Deventer, S. B. Luttrell, Rev. E. A. Elmore, R. S. Hazen, Rev. M. D. Jeffries, S. C. Roney, Rev. Thomas Campbell, Co. W. H. Collett, J. W. Borches, Walter S. Roberts, Dr. A. A. Francis and Jonathan Tipton.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, July 28, 1896, page 3
Hospital News. Board To Be Incorporated. Canvass Deferred
There was a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday morning of the ladies of the executive committee of the Hospital building and promoting board and of the gentlemen of the advisory board. The gentlemen advised that the board become incorporated and the action necessary to secure a charter was immediately taken. In becoming incorporated the enterprise is placed on a soid [sic] foundation and the work may be carried on in a business-like manner.
As to solicitation for funds there was some discussion but it was finally decided by the gentlemen to suggest that the canvass be defered [sic] for a short while. They heartily recommend that, a little later, a thorough canvass be made that everybody be given an opportunity to contribute to the hospital. Until this canvass is commenced the ladies will work on in a quiet way taking private subscriptions and preserving the strong sentiment existing in favor of the hospital. That it is a good work has long since been conceded by everybody in the city.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, July 28, 1896, page 3
Meeting of Hospital Board
There will be a meeting of the hospital board this morning at 10 o’clock in the parlors of the Y. M. C. A. building. Important business will be transacted and every member of the board is urgently requested to be present.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 5, 1896, page 5
Hospital Board Transacted Considerable Business at Their Meeting Yesterday
The Hospital Board met at ten o’clock in the Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday morning. They were met by a committee from the Royal Arcanum offering them the privilege of the serving of refreshments at their picnic. Only a small portion of the board was present and after considering the matter and with proper explanation they declined the offer. Their reasons for declining was that a large number of the board are out of the city and the few members left to conduct the affair were afraid that they did not have sufficient forces to conduct the affair properly.
Considerable business relative to the work of the board was transacted and the board adjourned subject to the call of the president.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 20, 1896, page 8
Through the City
The Woman’s Hospital Board will hold a special meeting in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. at 9:30 o’clock tomorrow morning. The meeting will be one of importance, and it is the desire of the officers that every member of the board be present.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 23, 1896, page 13
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