TMC and Needs of a Hospital in December, 1894
Where Worthy People Without Means May Be Treated
Noble Work Being Carried on by the Tennessee Medical College — They Do all They Can
One of the most effective and important lines of charity work in operation in this city and yet one given the least public attention is that being conducted under the direction of the Tennessee medical college.
From twenty-five to thirty patients are operated upon at public clinics, Wednesdays and Saturdays, free of charge.
But many poor apply for treatment who must of necessity be turned away because of no place to keep them for the further treatment necessary by the nature of their ailment.
It is distressing to see these persons turned away, whereas, with a little assistance a suitable hospitable [sic] could be provided where they could receive the attention their cases demand.
As it is, a large number are being treated and it is known that members of the faculty often put up expenses out of their own pockets rather than have some cases which especially appeal for aid, go without it.
The work is going on continuously at this college and in this way it is doing more practical charity work than all other charity work in the city combined and those disposed to charitable deeds could not do better than to direct their attention to the work of this college and give it substantial aid.
It is not an alms seeking institution but it is on its own account, and as far as it can doing good deeds in the line indicated, but its power for much more good can be made possible with a little assistance from the city and county.
A case in point which came under the observation of The Journal the other day was that of a poor white man who walked several miles in from the country with the bones in his right forearm shattered by a pistol ball. Though the wound was several days old it had never been treated and in a short time amputation would only have saved him, and possibly not that. He was sent to the college where the wound was dressed, but having no place to keep him the poor fellow has been obliged to beg about town for something to eat and a place to sleep, and necessarily this is a poor way to nurse so serious a wound. Many other similar cases of both sexes can be cited, but this much is said to show where more practical charity work is needed.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, December 2, 1894, page 3
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