Woman’s Council Considers Hospital Movement in 1896
Through the City
A meeting of the executive committee of the women’s council will be held in the Y. M. C. A. parlors this morning for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. The council will probably take a hand in the work of building a new city hospital and in several other enterprises that have been started recently.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, April 9, 1896, page 5
Woman’s Council — Annual Meeting of That Body Held. Routine Business Transacted. Election of Officers. Representatives Present
Yesterday morning at 9:30 o’clock the Woman’s Council held its annual meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. There was present a complete delegation from the various societies comprising the Woman’s Council.
[Roll-call of members not transcribed.]
The interest and co-operation of the council was solicited in two lines of work, but it was decided that each delegation should report these causes to its own society for consideration and it will be decided fat the next meeting what work will be taken up by the council. This work referred to was a Rescue Home in which the W. E. and I. U. have been interested presented by Mrs. C. M. McClung, and the proposed hospital which was championed by Miss Woodruff, Mrs. Roney and Mis [sic] Fanz. Both are noble works which cannot fail to enlist the sympathy of all good citizens, men as well as women.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, April 10, 1896, page 5
Through the City
The joint committees of the various orders of the city interested in the hospital movement, will meet this afternoon at 3 o’clock in Corona hall. The meeting this afternoon promises to be of vast importance inasmuch as the ways and means committee will present their complete report. A full attendance is desired.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 2, 1896, page 13
Through the City
The ladies hospital board will meet in the Y. M. C. A. rooms this morning at ten o’clock. The meeting is for the purpose of hearing a proposition from the committee of the Royal Arcanum Aid society, relative to the ladies furnishing refreshments at the picnic which they are soon to hold.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 19, 1896, page 5
An article in the Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, dated October 11, 1896 (page 16), gives details of the first meeting of the Woman’s Educational and Industrial Union for the “season” 1896-1897. The philanthropic organization provided garments to sick and destitute individuals. They gave to institutions, including the hospital.
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