TMC’s First Annual Announcement
East Tennessee Medical College. First Annual Announcement. The Course of Study and what Is Expected of the new School — the Dental Department
The first annual announcement of the East Tennessee Medical college has just been issued. The regular winter course will begin Tuesday, October 1st and end about the middle of March, 1890. The preliminary course of lectures commences Monday, September 2d, and continues until the opening of the regular winter term.
The faculty has secured commodious quarters, containing two well lighted, airy and spacious lecture rooms, with comfortable seats, conveniently arranged for practical laboratory instructions, operatic surgery, dissecting rooms, and preserving vats for subjects.
A free dispensary has been established in connection with the college, where all forms of diseases and injuries will furnish to the clinics and abundance of rich material.
A dental school has also been established, and will prove a worthy feature. The following learned men in their profession compose the faculty: Drs. W. H. Richards, R. N. Kesterson, C. M. Drake, C. C. Lancaster, R. M. C. Hill, W. E. Moses, J. W. Hill, A. J. Francis, W. B. Robison and C. M. Cawood.
In the preface of the announcement is found the following, which is self-explanatory:
The founders of the Tennessee Medical college feel that there is an imperative demand for an institution thoroughly equipped for instructions in the medical sciences. The college starts out under the most auspicious circumstances. A large class is assured at its first session. The faculty beg leave to state that in every department of the school a high standard of qualification and proficiency will be required to obtain a diploma of the college. The curriculum embraces of all the branches taught in a well-organized medical school, and the aim and desire of the faculty will always be to elevate the standard of medical education and to merit the approbation of the profession and public.
For any information relative to the college or other facts, will be cheerfully furnished upon application to Dr. C. E. Ristine, 117 Prince street.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, June 5, 1889, page 5
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