News from Tennessee Medical College in 1891
The Medical Students. Events Transpiring in the Lives of the Amateur Physicians
When asked what is a dose of strabismus (cross eyes), one student answered another, fifteen or twenty grains.
As the handsome students had gone home to see their sweethearts, the New Year’s act was done by Meek and Stapler.
From the expressions depicted upon countenances in the dissecting room you would not imagine that otto of roses was being served to the olfactory nerves.
Students go in pairs because one is liable to dislocated a neck if an attempt is made to walk alone on the muddy pavements, and as the kerosene lamps are never lighted on the electric cars, there is danger of them being robbed of their superfluous cash while awaiting the coming of delayed electricity. So, it is neither safe to walk or ride — would that we could fly.
Medical students have the reputation of being hard looking specimens of humanity but when they get through the state of recubation they are full fledged doctors and doctors are the best looking men in any community.
Knoxville should feel a pride in the Tennessee Medical college. The building itself to view in aristocratic grandeur, and upon the inner side every part, beside [sic] being designed to serve some specific purpose, is so deftly constructed as to be ornamental, all honor to Prof. C. M. Drake, in whose fertile brain the plan of the building was conceived. An agreeable surprise awaits those who will be thrown open for public inspection, of which even ample notice will be given.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, January 11, 1891, page 7
North Knoxville Notes
As the duties of the Tennessee Medical College grow less the students grow gradually more gallant and are now to be seen quite often with the fair ones of the north side.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, February 22, 1891, page 10
Doctor Samuel R. Rodgers, recently graduated from the Tennessee Medical college, leaves in a few days to permanently locate in northern Florida.
After the exercises at the theatre were over the faculty and graduating class of the Tennessee Medical college repaired to the Vendome, where a banquet was served.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, March 22, 1891, page 4
Dr. David H. Williams, newly appointed professor of pathology and microscopy of the Tennessee Medical college, has arrived in the city.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 30, 1891, page 2
The preliminary course of lectures at the Tennessee Medical college began Monday with bright prospects for the years [sic] work.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 20, 1891, page 2
Medical College Notes. The Events of Interest Among Our Future Doctors
“Governor” Buchanan is musical director of the choir which furnishes music between lectures. In his original clapping act he is great.
Dr. Masters is recovering from a serious inoculation of “blood poison.” Though suffering he did not fail to be present and deliver lectures at his regular hours. The class would know that there was something serious if Dr. Masters should miss an hour.
Students are looking forward with pleasant anticipation to the lecture on jurisprudence, to be delivered by the gifted Mr. Cocke in the absence of Judge Gibson.
Dr. Wilson has been sick during the past week. We miss his genial smile and soul inspiring lectures.
A couple of students, grand admirers of the fair sex, have secured each a beautiful souven-ear from the dissecting room.
In spite of the fact that some of the neighboring medical colleges have lowered their tuition and their dignity and have caught many students who prefered [sic] to attend T. M. C. the graduating class will be larger this year than last.
If promptness at lecture hours, through lectures from every chair, investigations, microscopical and otherwise, into the most advanced theories, abundance of clinical and dissecting material, the most thoroughly constructed and equipped building in the south, push, pluck and perseverance can avail anything, Knoxville is destined to be the medical educational center of the south.
We would like to have more talk about the hospital. Three hundred dollars had been subscribed when we last heard of the subscription. Let the good work go on for charity, sweet charity.
To our fellow literary toilers on the hill we of the healing art send greetings and an assurance of fellow feeling.
Persons coming to the Medical college for treatment are given free both medicine and medical attention. Professors give all patients their personal attention. Come and have the best doctors in the city, medical and dental, free.
Gaines Meek rides a pony with an abbreviated extremity, and when traction is made on the orbicularis ovis [sic] and levator labii superioris alaquar [sic] nasi muscles he slides in such a manner as to lead to the belief that he formerly belong to a base ball team in Texas.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, November 8, 1891, page 4
The Medical College. Notes of Interest to the Students of that Institution
Professor — Mr. Smith, what might be used instead of an exploring needle to detect an abscess of the chest?
Mr. Smith — Might introduce a trochanter, (trochar)
A mail box is very much needed at the college for the convenience of students and other people in this part of the city.
Professor Yarborough said, “Diplatinoetradiammoniumnitratoxychloride,” and when he had finished, the class had departed. His apology is that it is a word in modern chemistry.
Several students are absent on account of sickness. Prof. Bailey has advised the boys not to drink any city well water. Well, water is not what is drunk usually.
The people of the neighborhood of the college say that the boys are more orderly this year than last. Perhaps they have passed judgment too soon.
For good looks, you are respectfully referred to the professions of the dental department. Young ladies are advised to be careful, however, as some of them are married.
The regular hours for the sick are from twelve to one on the following days, though they will be treated any time they may come.
Monday and Thursday, from 12 to 1, medical clinics. Tuesday, gynaecological clinics. Wednesday and Saturday, surgical clinics. Friday, eye, ear, throat and nose.
Reception in the dental parlors every day from one to four p.m.
A cordial welcome will be extended and all treatment and medicine is free.
Did you say that the fair daughters of Knoxville are thinking of giving an entertainment for the benefit of the medical hospital? All that is needed to build a hospital is the sympathetic impose of the hearts of the ladies, if they say it will be, the very stones will catch the inspiration and stand upon another, a home for the sick, and a monument to each heart.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, November 22, 1891, page 7
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