Meetings of Hospital Board in the Spring of 1896
For a Hospital. Further Active Steps Were Taken Yesterday
Important Meeting of the Promoting and Building Board Held at Residence of Mrs. S. B. Luttrell
It looks very much as though Knoxville is to have the badly neede [sic] city hospital as the good women of the society organized for its promotion are working with zeal to that end.
The Hospital Promoting and Building Board, as it is called, met yesterday morning at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Luttrell on Wall street and completed organization.
The meeting was presided over by Miss Pauline Woodruff who acted as temporary chairman. A committee of three, consisting of Miss Woodruff, Mrs. M. G. McWilliams and Mrs. H. G. Bayless, was appointed to ascertain the advisability of the incorporation of the board. The investigating committee will also recommend a set of by-laws.
There will be a general board which will be composed of one hundred of the most active ladies in benevolences in the city. The secretary was instructed to request the pastor of each of the city churches to appoint two ladies to represent their respective churches on this board.
There will also be an advisory board composed of gentleman and each lady of the executive board is to suggest the name of one gentleman to be placed on this board. The leading business and professional men of the city will be represented on the board.
The executive board will again meet at the Y. M. C. A., parlors next Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. The ladies are enthusiastic and are determined that the city shall have the proposed hospital.
The officers and directors who now constitute the executive board are as follows:
President, Mrs. Will Ashmore; vice-president, Mrs. W. C. McCoy; secretary, Mrs. T. ap R. Jones; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. M. Black; treasurer, Mrs. Walter Roberts; directors, Mesdames H. G. Bayless, S. B. Luttrell, N. A. Henderson, M. G. McWilliams, T. J. Peed, D. L. Ross, J. E. Chapman, Miss Pauline Woodruff, and Mrs. Finnegan.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, April 4, 1896, page 2
Hospital Board Met Yesterday Morning and Transacted Important Business
The general board of the Hospital building and promoting board held an interesting meeting yesterday morning at the Y. M. C. A. rooms and discussed with enthusiasm the movement launched.
The committee on appropriations reported in favor of deferring action until the citi[z]ens have become better acquainted with the plan.
The offer of the Legion band to give a concert May 12th for the benefit of the hospital was taken under advisement.
Interesting talks were made on the movement by Mrs. J. H. Frazee and others actively interested.
A number of new members signed the constitution and the by-laws thus registering their interest in the work.
Suggestions with reference to a probable site were made and it was moved that four members of the advisory board of gentlemen be appointed a committee to search for a suitable site. When the general board adjourned the executive board, composed of officers and directors, met and appointed as the committee from the advisory board Col. Van Deventer, Captain Collett and Messrs. Lewis Tillman and M. L. Ross.
This committee is expected to meet with the executive board at 10 a.m., Wednesday next, at the Y. M. C. A. rooms when there may be consulted.
The general board meetings occur on the first and third Wednesdays of each month but the executive board meets at call.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, April 16, 1896, page 14
Hospital Board Meets. Large Sales Reported for the Grand Benefit Concert
The general board of the Hospital Building and Promoting board held an enthusiastic meeting in the Y. M. C. A. parlors yesterday morning at 10 o’clock. The time was largely spent in the discussion of the grand benefit concert to be given Tuesday evening, May 12 at the theater by the Legion band assisted by some of the best local talent of the city. The ladies reported enormous sales of tickets and that they would continue to canvass the city. The tickets can be secured from Mrs. Roberts at the Hotel Flanders.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, April 16, 1896, page 14
New Hospital. Executive Board of Promoters Hold Important Meeting
Will Have a Benefit Concert. Advisory Board Completed. Several Committees Appointed
The Hospital building and Promoting board is on a boom and the ladies are becoming sanguine of securing for Knoxville the much coveted hospital.
At a called meeting of the executive board yesterday morning at the Y. M. C. A. parlors it was decided to accept the kind offer of the Legion band to give a concert at Staub’s theatre, Tuesday evening, May 12th, for the benefit of the hospital. Mr. Staub has donated his house for the evening, the gas company, light, and all that is taken in will go directly to the hospital board. It was decided that the admission fee should be 50 cents and that the ladies should sell the tickets. Mrs. W. S. Roberts will have charge of the tickets and the ladies can secure them from her. Tickets will also be placed on sale in many of the most convenient stores of the leading thorough fares of the city.
Considerable other business of importance was transacted at the meeting of the board. The appointment of the advisory board was completed. It is composed of the following gentlemen:
Mayor Heiskell, Mayor Welcker, Mayor Ross, Col. Van Deventer, Messrs. S. C. Roney, S. B. Luttrell, R. S. Hazen, J. D. Cowan, Louis Tillman, W. S. Roberts, J. W. Borches, Capt. Collett, Revs. M. D. Jeffries, E. A. Elmore and Thomas Campbell.
A committee of four from the advisory board composed of Capt. Collett, Col. Van Deventer, Hon. M. L. Ross and Mr. Lewis Tillman will meet the executive board at its meeting May 6th at 10 a.m. to consult as to a suitable site for the proposed hospital.
A committee composed of Mrs. H. G. Bayless, Mr. R. M. Rhea and Miss Alida Rule was appointed on printing and publishing.
A committee on finance composed of Miss Pauline Woodruff, Mrs. S. C. Roney Mrs. H. H. Ingersoll and Mrs. S. J. Dosser was appointed.
As a committee on permanent rooms, Mrs. T. ap R. Jones,Mrs. S. C. Roney, and Miss Fanz were appointed.
Mrs. Dr. Black, corresponding secretary, was instructed to correspond with the Grady hospital at Atlanta and obtain desired information.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, April 23, 1896, page 6
Hospital Board
The general board of the hospital building and promoting board will hold an important meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms t-morrow, Wednesday, morning, at ten o’clock. All of the ladies connected with the board are expected to be present and all who are interested in a new hospital for the city are cordially invited to attend.
At this meeting the program for the grand benefit concert to be given at Staub’s theatre, May 121th, will be further considered. The concert will be given by the Legion band and will be participated in by some of the best talent in the city. Among the vocalists to appear will be Miss Georgia Mooney and the Y. M. C. A. quartette. Such music and such a cause ought to secure the concert the most liberal patronage ever given a local musicale.
An important feature of Wednesday’s meeting will be the consideration of a location and for this purpose four members of the advisory board have been invited to be present for consultation. These gentlemen constitute the location investigating committee. They are Messrs. Collett, Van Deventer, Tillman and Ross.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, May 5, 1896, page 2
Hospital Board Appointed Committee on Drummers’ Picnic
The hospital board held an executive session yesterday morning. The meeting was for the purpose of arranging plans for their assistance which is to be rendered the drummers in giving their annual picnic next month. The hospital fund is to receive one third of the net proceeds of the picnic. Committees were appointed to look after the various phases of work. The committees will be made public after a consultation with like committees from the other organizations which are to take part in the picnic.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, May 21, 1896, page 3
Meetings of Hospital Board in the Spring of 1896 — No Comments
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