Knoxville Turn Verein Donation to Hospital Fund in 1896
Fifty Dollars Donated
Knoxville Turn Verein Swells the Hospital Fund
The Knoxville Turnverein [sic] held its semi-annual election of officers yesterday afternoon at Turner’s park. The following gentlemen were installed in places of trust:
President — C. Aebli
Vice-President — Matt Senn
Treasurer — Chas. Schweickerd
Financial Secretary — Eli Leiber
Recording Secretary — A. Totdenhausen [sic]
Trustees — Chas. Schmid, M. L. Patterson and H. O. Nelson
Reports of retiring officers were heard. All were of a most encouraging nature, especially that of the treasurer.
Financially the organization is in a most flourishing condition, so much so in fact, that, with scarce a dissenting voice, the sum of fifty dollars was voted to the hospital fund.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 7, 1896, page 3
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