TMC’s Fourth Session Opens (1892)
The Medical College
The fall session of the Tennessee Medical college will open tomorrow. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, Chancellor Henry R. Gibson will lecture before the faculty and students and such other persons as may be present.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, October 2, 1892, page 9
Tennessee Medical College. Fourth Session of that Institution Opened with Appropriate Exercises
The fourth session of the Tennessee Medical college was begun yesterday under most favorable auspices.
The initial lecture was delivered by Hon. Henry Gibson to the faculty, students and visitors. The learned gentleman’s discourse was concerning the early history of medicine and medicine at the present day.
The origin of medicine was due to the intuitiveness of man — the human race; that as a dog, cat or snake will eat a herb or weed to cure a sore or ailment, so did man find a remedy for his physical ailments, notwithstanding that man in that period was lower than any barbaric race of to-day.
From the discovery of medicines by intuition and accident came the alchemist and the present enlightened period.
The chancellor believed the bade was living that would see such grand progress in medicines that life would be greatly extended and that no man would die until his organs were worn out with practice and use and labor; that there was no disease or affection [sic] that could not be cured by the coming physician.
The lecture was very entertaining. Over half a hundred students were present at this, the first lecture and the first day of the session. The prospects of the college far exceed in brilliancy those of any past session.
Fully one hundred and fifty students will have entered within the coming two months. The session lasts six months. Regular lectures will begin this morning at nine o’clock. Dr. J. C. Cawood lecturing in surgery; Dr. Ristine, on obstetrics, and Dr. Masters on the eye. There are seventeen regular instructors for this session.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, October 4, 1892, page 4
TMC’s Fourth Session Opens (1892) — No Comments
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