Street Cars on Hospital Day in 1896
“Hospital Day.” Cars of Street Railways Will Be Turned over to the Ladies
The ladies of the hospital board held an important meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday morning.
The meeting was for the purpose of considering the plan of arranging a “hospital day” with the authorities of the various street railways of the city.
The plan, as devised by the ladies is to the effect that the entire receipts of all cars for one half day will be contributed to the hospital fund.
Messrs. Howell and Skelding of the Knoxville and citizen’s companies respectively, were present, and the plan was explained to them. They willingly agreed to grant the ladies the use of their lines and cars and pledged their hearty support of any movement they might put on foot.
The idea is one decidedly new and novel, and the ladies are hopeful of increasing the hospital fund several hundred dollars on this occasion.
A unique feature, and one that will attract considerable patronage to all the cars will be that the regular conductors will be relieved of their positions by the young ladies who are interested in the hospital movement. The ladies will collect the fares and keep the trolley from noon until the cars cease running at night.
In addition to this there will be two concerts for the benefit of the hospital, given on this hospital day. One will be at Lake Ottosee in the afternoon and it is probable that the second will be at the theatre in the evening.
The detailed arrangements for this occasion have not yet been perfected. Neither has the day been decided upon. It is safe to say, however, that “Hospital Day” will prove a grand success financially as well as otherwise.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 22, 1896, page 2
Bought Sixty. One Gentleman Sets a good Example for Hospital Day
The young ladies who will take charge of the street cars on “Hospital Day” had a very satisfactory meeting with the committee on arrangements yesterday morning at 10 o’clock. Plans for the disposition of a street car and concert tickets were discussed and the ladies feel very much encouraged by the outlook. One gentleman, upon hearing their plans, subscribed for sixty car tickets and thirty concert tickets.
The afternoon concert will be in charge of Mrs. Russell Adams Clapp and the evening concert will be under the management of Mr. Frank Nelson.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 27, 1896, page 3
Through the City
The young ladies who are to be on the street cars “Hospital Day” met yesterday and considered their plans. The list of the young ladies is not yet complete.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, August 29, 1896, page 5
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