Nursing Students of Newell & Newell Hospital, Chattanooga (partial list)
This list is taken from the TN State Library & Archives finding aid for Record Group 97. Accuracy of spelling and dates have not been verified.
The list is incomplete, based on newspaper reports of graduates. In 1948, Newell Hospital declared its nursing program began in 1909 and turned out nearly 500 graduates.
The source of the list is unconfirmed. Items from Newell & Newell in RG 97 are designated as confidential, so they are not viewable by the public.
Name | Dates |
Peggy Aakins | 1925-1927 |
Irma Gretchen Allen | 1941-1944 |
Gladys Marie Andes | 1940 |
Alma Lee Angel | 1940-1943 |
Dortha Jean Angel | 1946-1948 |
Natalie Eloise Arms | 1937-1939 |
Geraldine Austell | 1941 |
Thelma Aycock | 1930 |
Grettie Bales | 1941-1942 |
Mary Lou Barker | 1947-1948 |
Audrey Mae Barnes | 1938-1941 |
Margery Barnes | 1940 |
Bertha Beck | 1927 |
Velma Bennette | 1924 |
Betty Sue Biggs | 1942-1944 |
Billie Biggs | 1940-1944 |
Virgil Biles | 1924-1926 |
Grace Louise Bishop | 1936 |
Frances Jewel Black | 1946 |
Auline Blackstock | 1941 |
Verna Lois Blalock | 1946 |
Maxie Blalock | 1946-1948 |
Macie Bostic | 1930 |
Jean (Graham) Boyd | 1945-1946 |
Carrie Lee Boyles | 1939-1941 |
Berith Anne Bradford | 1943-1945 |
Betty Lois Bradford | 1947-1948 |
Violet Branan | 1927 |
Doreen Brewer | 1941-1943 |
Lois Jean Britz | 1939-1941 |
Geneva Madgaline Brixen | 1931 |
Georgia Bronwood | 1931 |
Alise E. Brown | 1928 |
Dorothy Brown | 1937 |
Ila Brown | 1936-1939 |
Emma Salina Brown | 1937 |
Florence Katrina Brown | 1936-1939 |
Eva F. Bryant | 1939-1942 |
Jerome Inez Bryant | 1931 |
Laura Bunfill | 1926 |
Billie Burnette | 1931 |
Ezra Elizabeth Calhoun | 1924-1925 |
Nonnie Grace Callaham | 1938 |
Dolly Campbell | 1938-1940 |
Willie Cargile | 1939-1941 |
Mildred Carroll | 1931 |
Grace Elizabeth Carson | 1923 |
Essie Carter | 1935-1938 |
Pauline Caylor | 1941-1943 |
Thelma Chadwick | 1929 |
Willie Eloise Chadwick | 1930 |
Opal Chapman | 1931 |
Vivian Audrey Chapman | 1946-1948 |
Addie Claudia Clendenon | 1924 |
Sarah J. Conner | 1926 |
Glenice Maxine Cook | 1941-1943 |
Mary Elizabeth Cowart | 1939 |
Gertrude Croom | 1931 |
Eunice Cuzzart | 1946-1948 |
Edythe Davis | 1930 |
Louise Davis | 1924-1926 |
Mary Louise Day | 1939-1941 |
Doris DeLoach | 1940 |
Frances DeLoach | 1930 |
Elizabeth Kathleen Dixon | 1945 |
Mary Dobson | 1925-1926 |
Nell Nelson Doughty | 1924-1925 |
Lela Sue Downey | 1938-1939 |
Margaret Lorraine Downey | 1937-1939 |
Allen Duke | 1946-1948 |
Hazel Ethyl Duncan | 1935-1938 |
Maysie Dunn | 1925-1926 |
Mary Louise Dye | 1936-1938 |
Grace East | 1923-1924 |
Helen Kay Egar | 1944-1946 |
Virginia Fetzer | 1941 |
Mamie Mae Fields | 1924-1926 |
Martha W. Fletcher | 1941-1943 |
Ruth Folsom | 1929 |
Eva Forester | 1927 |
Virginia Frazer | 1937-1939 |
Anna Belle (Carter) Gardner | 1947 |
Leila Lorene Garrison | 1946-1949 |
June Gattis | 1945-1948 |
Ella Ruth Gay | 1946-1947 |
Dorcas Janet Genter | 1932 |
Eva Mae Geren | 1938-1941 |
Nanna Lee Gillis | 1929 |
Anna Belle Glenn | 1937-1939 |
Hazel Godbey | 1930 |
Hazel Goins | 1931 |
Evelyn Gray | 1926-1927 |
Annie Grimsley | 1938-1941 |
Juanita Irene Hall | 1941 |
Amy H. Henderson | 1938-1939 |
Alma Henson | 1931 |
Exie Faye Hicks | 1945-1946 |
Winnie Davis Hicks | 1938-1940 |
Ruth Louise Hildebrant | 1931 |
Flora Hill | 1937 |
Jessie Beatrice Hill | 1946-1948 |
Gladys Louise Hixon | 1945-1948 |
Sarah Frances Hixon | 1946-1948 |
Julia Holoway | 1923-1925 |
Rowena Hopkins | 1931 |
Mary Virginia (Woodall) Howe | 1945-1946 |
Kathryn Huff | 1937-1940 |
Grace Hunziker | 1923-1925 |
Viola Hurd | 1946-1948 |
Bessie Bobbie Lee Ireland | 1942 |
Gladys Louise James | 1941 |
Sallye Maude Jenkins | 1941-1942 |
Frances Jones | 1930 |
Katie Mae Kennamer | 1924 |
Ramona Renee Kile | 1946-1948 |
Margaret Louise Koch | 1937-1939 |
Helen Langston | 1931 |
Jewell Lucille Lankford | 1941-1944 |
Sarah Larence | 1929 |
Betty Lasley | 1947-1948 |
Elizabeth Leath | 1927 |
Lillie Lemons | 1941-1943 |
Jackie Imogene Light | 1946-1948 |
Georgia Liner | 1930 |
Lillian Locke | 1925-1927 |
Ora Lowe | 1931 |
Mainell Lyons | 1939-1941 |
Mary Jo Manning | 1946-1948 |
Lois Mansfield | 1942 |
Frances Martin | 1945-1949 |
Carolyn Mathenson | 1929 |
Ruth Marie May | 1938-1940 |
Geneva Marie McCrain | 1930 |
Katherine McCullough | 1926 |
Virginia Louise McDonald | 1944-1946 |
Betty Hodge McIsaac | 1942 |
Maxie M. McNabb | 1929 |
Martha Inez Meers | 1930 |
Daisy Merriman | 1931 |
Wilma Merriman | 1924 |
Reba Miller | 1920 |
Ruby Miller | 1936 |
Grace Moore | 1929 |
Viola Moore | 1946-1949 |
Hattie Moreland | 1931 |
Neva Lorena Morgan | 1940-1943 |
Sue Morris | 1943-1947 |
Elsie Lois Morrison | 1942-1943 |
Lou Ellen Mullins | 1931 |
Nettie Nance | 1942-1944 |
Jessie Noles | 1939-1941 |
Frances Pauline Norris | 1946-1948 |
Willie Mae Orton | 1929 |
Kathryn Pappas | 1943-1945 |
Thelma Patten | 1937-1939 |
Alice Imogene Paul | 1946-1949 |
Nancy Lou Paul | 1936-1938 |
Annie Lee Payne | 1929-1931 |
Alma Perkins | 1936-1939 |
Jeanette Pippin | 1945-1948 |
Dorothy Lorine Potter | 1943-1946 |
Katherine Christine (Milsap) Preyer | 1940-1943 |
Clara Price | 1925-1926 |
Zorra Virginia Prince | 1931 |
Joyce Lanier Purser | 1946-1948 |
Maricia Ruth Randolph | 1931 |
Frances Evelyn Ransom | 1941-1944 |
Ruth Reagan | 1930 |
Kathryn Reed | 1938 |
Juanita Reeves | 1946-1948 |
Bulah Renfroe | 1931 |
Lorraine Richards | 1940-1942 |
Aften Delorese Richey | 1938-1941 |
Grace Evelyn Richmond | 1940-1942 |
Sara Virginia Robberson | 1938 |
Viola Roberts | 1931 |
Eunice Rogers | ---- |
Mildred Kathleen Rose | 1938-1940 |
Ruby Rose | 1931 |
Alice Marie Rushing | 1942-1944 |
Mary Elizabeth Rushing | 1939-1941 |
Susan Elizabeth Saine | 1947 |
Thelma Sasser | 1931 |
Thelma F. Saterfield | 1942-1944 |
Dixie Irene Schudder | 1924-1925 |
Lois Odelle Scruggs | 1941-1943 |
Lydia Frances Sells | 1931-1932 |
Helen Shadrick | 1930 |
Mary Ann Shook | 1941 |
Katherine Simpson | 1931 |
Velma Pruitt Slay | 1938 |
Dollie Smith | 1930 |
Elizabeth Jean Smith | 1940-1943 |
Mary Pauline Smith | 1942 |
Sarah Ann Smith | 1923 |
Etolyea Snow | 1938-1939 |
Mattie Glenn Snow | 1938-1944 |
Wilma Dean Standefer | 1942-1945 |
Kathleen Starr | 1931 |
Vickey Swaim | 1936-1940 |
Clara Lee Sweatt | 1941 |
Ella Lucile Tatum | 1924-1926 |
Edith R. Terry | 1929-1932 |
Mary Elizabeth Tidwell | 1947-1948 |
Laurie Tipton | 1931 |
Serena Bell Toliver | 1929 |
Sara Vernon Traffenstedt | 1938-1940 |
Alvin Tucker | 1936-1939 |
Marguerite Tucker | 1942 |
Mildred Aldena Tumlin | 1941-1942 |
Nayla Rose Underwood | 1946-1948 |
Frances Vining | 1930 |
Eilen Walker | 1931 |
Mary Rose Wallis | 1946 |
Magnolia Watson | 1940-1942 |
Wilma Watts | 1941 |
Mary Helen Welch | 1941 |
Juanita Whitmire | 1938-1940 |
Mary Louise Wiggins | 1931 |
Bonnie Wilson | 1936 |
Estelle Wilson | 1942-1944 |
Margaret Wilson | 1923-1925 |
Gloria Sue Wolfe | 1941-1943 |
Inez Wood | 1929 |
Lucy Wade Woodall | 1943-1946 |
Frances E. Woods | 1940-1943 |
Gladys Wright | 1924-1933 |
Nursing Students of Newell & Newell Hospital, Chattanooga (partial list) — No Comments
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