News Items from TMC in 1891
Dr. Bailey Here
Dr. W. M. C. Baily, of New York, of the post-graduate school of medicine, who resigned a chair in that institution to accept a chair in the Tennessee Medical college is in the city stopping at the Hattie house. The doctor will have the chair of theory and practice of medicine and clinical medicine and is in Knoxville now to look over the ground previous to coming here this fall.
The New Catalogue
The catalogue of the Tennessee Medical College will be out in a few days. It will contain all the needed information.
Another New Man
Dr. Chas. Meigs Nelson of the Maternity Hospital of Philadelphia, has accepted the chair of gynaecology and chemical gynaecology at the Tennessee Medical college.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, July 19, 1891, page 12
News Items from TMC in 1891 — No Comments
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