Meetings of Hospital Board in the Fall of 1896
Hospital Movement. Ladies’ Board and Conference Committee of Secret Orders Meet Today.
The ladies’ hospital board and the conference committee from the joint organization of secret societies of the city will hold an important meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms this morning at ten o’clock. The meeting is for the purpose of united upon plans for the future development of the hospital movement. The ladies have already collected a considerable amount of money and are now in fair shape financially to begin the preliminaries incident to the work which they have undertaken.
It is the plan of the conference committee to secure a charter, making the affair a chartered institution, and put it upon a thoroughly business basis. Whether or not this plan will be thoroughly enforced remains for the ladies to decide this morning.
Other matters of importance to the movement will be brought up, and the meeting bids fair to be one of unusual interest to all concerned.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 19, 1896, page 6
Meeting of Hospital Committee
The Journal is requested to state that a special called meeting of the Woman’s Hospital committee will be held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms at 10 o’clock this morning.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 19, 1896, page 6
Hospital Ladies Will Hold an Important Session this Morning
The ladies of the hospital board will meet at the residence of Mrs. Dr. H. G. Bayless, 400 Main street, at 9:30 o’clock this morning. The meeting will be held for the purpose of perfecting all final arrangements for the base ball game at Baldwin park this afternoon.
The ladies will also take some action regarding the carnival ball, which is to take place during the street fair to be given in the city in October. The ball will, without doubt, be a success, as it is in the hands of the ladies of the hospital board. They propose to make it the most magnificent event of its kind ever held in the city.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 25, 1896, page 3
Through the City
The hospital board will meet this morning at 10 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. J. T. McTeer to receive the carnival reports and transact such other business as may be in order.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, October 28, 1896, page 5
Proceeds of Empire Ball. Reports Received at a meeting of the Hospital Board
The net proceeds of the empire ball were $255.39. The ladies of the hospital board met yesterday morning at the West Main street residence of Mrs. Joseph McTeer and received reports from the ball.
Mrs. W. L. McCreary gave the report of the ball going into details of its success. She suggested the names of those who had rendered material assistance and in response the board gave all a hearty vote of thanks. Among those mentioned were the executive board of the Carnival association for the privileges of teh ball, the press for the hundreds of dollars of free advertising, the young people who gave time and attention to the perfection of the ball. Mr. Warters of the John Cruze company, the Eagle Art company, and the Atkin Manufacturing company, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Howell, Deaver, Hale & Co., Col. Dickinson, Greenwood & Co., Mr. Mann, Hall & Donahoe, Mr. Alcoabrach, Mr. Farr, Mr. Flanders, Mr. Creamer, East Tennessee Telephone Co., Mr. Joe Knaffl, Mrs. Dr. Delpeusch.
The board also gave an enthusiastic vote of thanks to Mrs. McCreary and her committee who had the exclusive management of the ball and served so efficiently and satisfactorily.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, October 29, 1896, page 2
Directors Selected. Important Action Taken Yesterday by the Hospital Board
The regular meeting of the general board of the hospital building and promoting board occurred at the T. P. A. rooms yesterday morning at ten o’clock. According to the newly adopted by-laws this was the appointed time for the election of the board of directors who were elected as follows:
Mesdames Joseph T. McTeer, L. C. Finnegan, W. M. Ashmore, W. C. McCoy, Dr. Black, Dr. ap R. Jones, M. G. McWilliams, W. S. Roberts, Henderson, D. L. Ross, W. M. McCreary, Aultmeyer, A. D. R. Hancher, S. C. Roney, H. H. Ingersoll, G. M. Harrill and Miss Pauline Woodruff.
These directors will meet Tuesday next for the election from their number of officers for the board which are president, vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and treasurer. The will meet at ten o’clock a.m. in the T. P. A. hall.
The general board may congratulate itself upon the selection of so efficient a board of directors. It comprises the members who have been most active in every department of the work.
Among those who have been most active in the hospital work since its inception is Mrs. Dr. H. G. Bayless. She has toiled ceaselessly for the enterprise at every opportunity. Now that she contemplates residence in a distant city she can not accept further work which is exceedingly regretted by all. Recognizing the value of her services the ladies of the board yesterday in conclusion gave her a rising vote of thanks as a sincere expression of appreciation of her faithfulness.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, November 19, 1896, page 3
Woman’s World — Knoxville Women Actively Engaged in Noble Work.
Five Meetings of Importance Held Yesterday Afternoon and Another To Be Held this Morning.
Hospital Board
It is the general board of the hospital building and promoting board which meets this morning.
The general board of the hospital building and promoting board will hold its regular meeting this morning at 10 o’clock in the T. P. A. quarters. The rooms will be heated and will be comfortable and pleasant. This is the first meeting of the board since the election of officers and will be one of considerable importance. It is urged that all members of the general board attend and that they be as prompt as possible.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, December 2, 1896, page 6
In Consultation — Executive Hospital Board Will Meet Advisory Board
Yesterday morning at 10 o’clock in the T. P. A. hall the general board of the hospital building and promoting board held the first meeting which it has held since the recent election of officers. The meeting was largely attended and was very satisfactory.
A great many matters of importance were considered, among them being plans for building the hospital and ways and means for raising funds. It was decided to consult with the advisory board as to the best ways and means for raising funds and next Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock sharp, the ladies of the executive board will meet at the T. P. A. hall, with the gentlemen of the advisory board for consultation. The advisory board is composed of fifteen of the leading business men of Knoxville and the ladies have the utmost confidence in their opinion.
The ladies of the entire board are much enthused over the work, and are more deeply impressed every day with the great need there is for a city hospital that will be worthy of the Marble city. They are also the more impressed with the necessity of the co-operation of the whole people and without this they can not hope to build Knoxville a hospital. If the institution will be so great a boon surely the people to be benefitted [sic] will not hesitate to support the movement in every possible manner.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, December 3, 1896, page 6
No Plans Adopted by the Hospital Board in Consultation Yesterday
The ladies of the executive board of the hospital building and promoting board met in the T. P. A. hall yesterday afternoon at two o’clock with the gentlemen of the advisory board for consultation. The meeting was largely attended and proved to be of great interest though no particular conclusions were reached or definite plans adopted. The meeting was addressed by Mayor Heiskell who spoke exceedingly encouraging.
The ladies are enthusiastic over the project and after the holidays will renew their labor with redoubled zeal.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, December 10, 1896, page 6
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