Medical College Established in Knoxville
Knoyville [sic] Still Ahead. A First Class Institution Organized — A Board of Trustees To Be Elected this Morning
Although not by official authority, the Journal is able to announce another important enterprise for the city this morning. It is a medical college to be run on a modern plan and on a higher basis than any other institution of the kind in the south. For months it has been the purpose of local physicians to start such a school in Knoxville, but circumstances did not warrant the step until recently. Now that the city is rapidly increasing in population and the surrounding territory is filling up, with no immediate competition in sight, the school has been decided on and will be started.
A number of local physicians, of means, experience and push, recently met and organized a company for the purpose of starting and maintaining a first class medical college. A charter has been applied for, but by request the names of the members are not now given. The name has not been definitely settled upon, but will soon.
There will be ten professors in the school, and they are to be local physicians of reputation in the community and standing in the profession.
It is the purpose to carry all the departments found in any first-class medical school of the country. No young man of this entire section need leave the south to get a medical education when it can be had at home.
A scale of prices for scholarships, etc., has not been fixed, but will be placed within the reach of all.
In order that there may be no delay in the commencement of the school a building has been secured of ample proportion and will be remodeled and fitted up at once in the best of style.
The second and third floors of the old Cowan and Dickinson building, over the Sentinel office, Main and Gay streets, will be used at the start. All necessary space for lecture, dissecting and other rooms will be had, and all necessary light, ventilation and sanitary arrangements secured.
This building will be used at the start, but later on a magnificent home or college building will no doubt be erected. A sanitarium, free dispensary and every necessary adjunct will follow, and no school in the country will be able to furnish a better scholastic training to the young men of this section who desire to join the great array of physicians.
A first-class medical college in Knoxville will bring scores of young men to the city every year and be worth much to the city in a financial way. The charter members of the college will meet this morning and elect a board of trustees. A number of influential men throughout the city are largely interested in the school and will see to it that this institution is a success.
Knoxville people ought to feel that it is something of public more than private importance, and aid it in every possible way.
Source: Daily Journal and Tribune, April 26, 1889, page 1
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