Circle Park Sanitarium in 1895
Located in West Knoxville on Line of Electric Railroad and Commanding fine View of Mountain and River
The Sanitarium has become [sic] to be a most important feature of medical progress in late years. The rapidly increasing number of Sanitariums attest the fact that they are an actual necessity in the treatment of disease. For it is well [sic] known fact that home cares, anxieties and duties greatly interfere with or absolutely prevent recovery in many cases that are otherwise entirely curable. Skilled nurses, competent assistants and sanitary surroundings are not only a luxury but an actual necessity sometimes.
Located in West Knoxville is a spacious lawn of two acres, adjoining Circle Park and commanding a magnificent view of the auzre [sic]-tipped Blue Ridge Mountains on the south and west, the Cumberland on the north and the scenic Tennessee river toward the east. The West End Electric railway furishes [sic] quick transportation to middle [sic] of the city.
Special attention will be paid to treatment of diseases of women, embracing all forms of nervous disorders, gastric and intestinal troubles, catarrhal and chronic diseases, rheumatism, obesity, gout, etc.
Methods, Massage and Swedish movements; Galvanic, Static and Faradic Electricity; Electric Vapor, and Turkish baths, appropriate diet; light medications and Rest treatment, Surgical operations performed under modern antiseptic surroundings. Trained nurses in constant attendance. Lying-in cases provided for. No contagious or infectious cases received.
For terms, information, etc., apply to H. G. Bayless, M. D.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, February 10, 1895, page 5
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