TMC Lectures and Services Resume After Holiday (1890)
The Medical College. Lectures Will Be Resumed Friday Morning — the new Building
The lectures at the Tennessee Medical college will be resumed on Friday morning next. The class was given a holiday from the 23d of this month until the 2d of January.
On Saturday next the clinical service in medicine, surgery, diseases of women, of the eye, ear and throat, will be inaugurated, and hereafter patients with these diseases will be treated free of charge by members of the faculty. A drug store is in the building and all medicines will be furnished free of charge. In addition to this, surgical dressings are furnished free.
The faculty invite all sufferers of any and all diseases to present themselves for treatment, and as the best ability of the city is found in the ranks of the faculty, the suffering public ought to gladly avail themselves of the opportunity to receive treatment free of charge.
The new building is complete, and the equipment is being placed in position as rapidly as possible.
The dental department affords free clinical advantages, and patients in this department receive the most careful attention. Profs Kesterson and Cottrell give their personal attention to operations, and all operations are free.
As soon as the building and equipment are in order the building will be thrown open to the public, with dedicatory exercises, of which timely notice will be given in these columns.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, December 30, 1890, page 5
TMC Lectures and Services Resume After Holiday (1890) — No Comments
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