Resolution Regarding Body-Snatching in 1890
Board of Public Works
A Resolution Adopted Concerning the Body Snatching at the Hospital.
The regular session of the board of public works was held yesterday at the city hall, Chairman Gleason being absent.
Acting Chairman Fulcher offered a resolution which was unanimously passed. It was as follows:
Resolved, That the chief of police is hereby instructed to take warrants and make every effort to arrest and bring to judgment the party or parties who stole the body of the Italian from the city hospital morgue, and to use all precaution in his power to prevent such occurrences in the future, and it shall be the duty of the matron of the city hospital whenever a death occurs there, to immediately notify the chief of the fact.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, November 21, 1890, page 7
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