News from TMC in 1896
Are They Married? And Is It Miss Blake, or Is It Mrs. J. P. Rogers?
Quite a romantic love affair came to light yesterday. The facts are that J. P. Rogers, a young man twenty-eight years of age has for several weeks been paying considerable attention to Miss Portie Blake, a young lady of sixteen summers, sister of Mrs. Brown, who resides on Cumberland street near Brakebill’s stable.
The young people met during the Christmas holidays and have since that time been very intimate. About a week ago Rogers called upon Miss Blake, and requested that she go driving with him. The young lady was willing, bu [sic] her sister, Mrs. Brown, offered objections. He repeated his call last Wednesday afternoon and was the second time refused. Upon Mrs. Brown’s denial of his request, Rogers replied, “If you don’t let her go now, you will always regret it.”
This statement has almost proven true. On Thursday afternoon the young lady obtained permission from her sister to go out with Rogers for one and a half hurs [sic]. She returned promptly on time and no alarm was occasioned. The rumor became current, however, that they were married during their absence. Both Miss Blake and Rogers deny this allegation.
Investigation proves, however that a license was issued by Deputy Clerk Moore on Wednesday night last, but it has not as yet been returned, sousequently [sic] the clerk can not verify the rumor.
Mrs. Brown seems to be very much worried in regard to the matter and while she is hopeful that no such union has been effected; she is at the same time fearful that the rumor is true.
Rogers is a student at the Tennessee Medical college and the young lady is in attendance at the Girls’ High school.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, January 11, 1896, page 6
Transcriber’s Notes: The 1900 Census shows James P. Rogers, physician, his wife, Anna P., and their two children living with his parents in Sevier County. They were married in 1896. On-line family trees identify Anna P. Rogers as Anna Porter Blake.
Dr. J. F. Scott, Jr., who graduated at the Tennessee Medical College last session left last night for Richmond, Ky., where he will begin practice. Dr. Scott took first honors in his class this year and has a very bright future before him. He is very well known in the city and his many friends will be sorry to hear of his departure.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, April 13, 1896, page 3
Lutheran Female College. Prospects for Its Establishment here in Knoxville
There is to be a Southern Female college established in the south, at the city that will furnish the greatest inducements. The United Lutheran churches of the eastern states, which are very strong have this movement in hand and will in the next few months select the site for the college.
Mr. Olof Olofsson, the efficient clerk of the Tennessee Medical college, has taken great interest in movement and has, for a starter, secured the donation of ten acres of land for this institution, which is situated in one of the most desirable localities of the town with all facilities needed for getting to the ground. The donation is situated, near Arlington.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, May 11, 1896, page 6
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