Medical College Notes — February, 1892
Bob Lectures the Doctors
Robert J. Burdette, the great humorist, will deliver a short address before the members and faculty of the Tennessee medical college at noon to-day. All are cordially invited.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, February 20, 1892, page 1
Bob Burdette’s Lecture to the Boys Greatly Appreciated
Bob Burdette said that a pretty good doctor was like a pretty good egg.
Examinations begin March 7th and end on the 19th week after next. Don’t that make your hair stand up, boys?
The graduating class number thirty-five, nearly twice as many as last year. Nine states are represented.
We deny emphatically that any students of Tennessee medical college have organized to sell patent medicine, as stated by some of the newspapers a few days since. [Transcriber’s Note: click here to see the article.]
Several of the graduates of last year have improved, that is, they have gotten their “better halves.” We are to graduate in a few days and will just whisper to the girls that its [sic] leap year and none of us are engaged — to more than six.
Dr. J. R. Thomas, a graduate last year of T. M. C., has moved from New Market, Tenn., to Knoxville, and is located on Church street. Your alma matter [sic] extends to you the grip — of the hand.
The class in bacteriology are to have a contest soon to decide who is most adept in manipulating the microscope so as to find bacilli of consumption.
Bob Burdett gave an entertaining lecture to the students of T. M. C. He was once a medical student and his heart has an extra thob [sic] for us.
“A little nonsense now and then,
Is relished by the wisest men.”
[Transcriber’s note: Mr. Burdette appears to be the humorist, Robert Jones Burdette, whose biography is at Wikipedia.]
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, February 21, 1892, page 12
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