“Hospital Day” Fund-raiser in September, 1896
Hospital Day. Plea Made for a Liberal Patronage at the Concerts
Knoxville is noted far and wide for her charities. There is no town of its size in the United States today that cares better for the poor than Knoxville. Of this fact its inhabitants, both white and colored are justly proud. You can scarcely look around without seeing evidence of the fact and yet in all time past it seems this large city, whose very heart seems to be pulsating for the poor and needy, has entirely forgotten the sick and afflicted.
I believe that almost any reputable business man if asked about the city hospital would be tempeted [sic] to deny its existence owing to the very lame affair which the city now has bearing that name. Be it said, however to the credit of our people, they are now thoroughly awakened to the urgent need of a city hospital and are making a great effort along that line.
The hospital work as well as most other charitable work has fallen on the shoulders of a few earnest women who are now using every effort in their power to obtain funds sufficient to erect a hospital building suitable in size and appointment for Knoxville without bringing upon the city any indebtedness. There labor is truly a labor of love for Knoxville and its suffering poor. To the call of these noble women no one should turn a deaf ear. Even if your donation is ever so small give it with a word of encouragement and it will be gratefully received.
To awaken a larger interest in the work the ladies have after much time and physical labor on their part prepared to observe in Knoxville what shall be known as Hospital Day. Managers Howell and Skelding have donated the use of their cars to the ladies on September 4th from 12 M. to 11 p.m. On each of these cars will be found two of the choice young ladies of our city who will be in charge of the cars and help to make bright all car rides for that day. The ladies are using all means in their power to make the two concerts they proposed to give at the lake a drawing card. The very best musical and literary talent of the city will be used and all who go may expect a rare treat. Mrs. Russell Adams Clapp has charge of the afternoon concert and Prof. Nelson and Miss Fleming have the evening.
The physicians’ wives of the city have been asked to act as ushers in the afternoon and evening so that the public may be sure they will be made just as comfortable as possible while on the grounds. This is the first entertainment ever given by the hospital building and promoting board and the ladies are working hard to make it a royal success. Now if the public will respond as they should the ladies will clear a nice sum and at the same time contribute to the happiness of all who will attend. Every man, woman and child in Knoxville should consider it his duty to join in and make this a grand Hospital Day.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 1, 1896, page 7
Hospital News — Secret Order Committee Will Meet Today. Hospital Day
The various committees of the secret orders of the city, recently appointed to participate in the hospital movement, will meet in Corona hall to-night at eight o’clock.
The meeting is the first held for several weeks and will be of considerable importance. At the last committees were appointed to perform various duties. These committees will be ready to report to-night.
Their reports will be of interest and importance to every member of the general committee.
It is therefore desired that a large and enthusiastic attendance turn out to the meeting to-night.
The ladiesd [sic] are making extensive preparations for Hospital Day, which is to be observed next Friday. The tickets for street car travel on that day are now being sold by the young ladies. Already a large number have been disposed of, and hundreds additional will be sold in the two days remaining. The concert fsor [sic] the afternoon and evening bid fair to be well attended and the people are entering heartily into this plan to riase [sic] funds for the hospital cause. The cars will be presided over by young ladies who will officiate, as conductors as has been previously published. Every provision for the success of the day will be made by both Messrs. Howell and Skelding, of the two street railway companies.
Mr. Charles McNabb, proprietor of the “Delicatessen” at Hotel Flanders has made the ladies a very generous offer, which they will graciously accept. He proposes to give the entire receipts from his restaurant and lunch counter on Hospital Day to the hospital fund. The “line up” at the counter will doubtless be continuous during the day and the financsial [sic] result one greatly appreciated by the ladies. Mr. McNabb will except nothing for expenses, his purpose being to give his gross receipts to the hospital fund.
Mr. McNabb’s liberal offer has suggested the idea that other business men might follow suit, thereby considerably swelling the total revenues on Hospital Day.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 2, 1896, page 5
[Transcriber’s Note: The original article was apparently hastily typeset. Obvious spelling and grammatical errors in the original were corrected here.]
Hospital Day. Gate Keepers for Afternoon and Evening Appointed. Excellent Concert Programs Arranged. Young Ladies Who Serve as Conductors, and Their Chaperones, Appointed
Mr. M. F. Flenniken, chairman of the “secret orders committee” which is co-operating with the ladies in the Hospital Day enterprise has made the appointments for gate keepers at Lake Ottosee tomorrow afternoon and night.
The gentlemen appointed come from the various secret orders of the city, thereby evidencing their united interest in the enterprise. It will be observed that the gate keepers are appointed to serve two hours, there being four divisions from 2 to 10 p.m. The gates are at the terminus of the Knoxville street railway and also the Citizens street railway.
Mr. Flenniken desires that if any of the gentlemen appointed cannot serve they will notify him today at telephone 226, or call at his office, 311 Wall street.
The appointments are as follows:
At Citizens railway gate from 2 to 4 p.m. — J. M. Creamer, of Couer [sic] de Lion commandery, Knights Templar; Fletcher B. Morgan, of Knoxville Senate Knights of the Ancient Essenic order; Arthur G. Mann, Orient lodge, Knights of Pythias.
At Knoxville street railway gate from 2 to 4 p.m. — Sam Dawes, of Knoxville council, Royal Arcanum; N. B. Morrell, of Brotherhood of St. Andrews.
At Citizens railway gate, 4 to 6 p.m. — E. C. Epps, of Knoxville senate, K. A. E. O.; T. F. Adams, of Orient lodge Knights of Pythias; James Hensley of Ancient Order of United Workmen.
At Knoxville street railway gate, 4 to 6 p.m. — H. B. Taylor, of Locomotive Engineers’ Will N. Briscoe, of Corona lodge Knights of Pythias.
At Citizens street railway gate, 6 to 8 .m. — P. J. Williams of Knoxville Senate, K. A. E. O.; W. R. Lockett of Masters lodge, Free and Accepted Masons; W. T. Claiborne, of Oriental lodge, Free and Accepted Masons.
At Knoxville street railway gate 6 to 8 p.m. — John Edington of Corona lodge, Knights of Pythias; G. C. Childress of Pearl Chapter, Royal Arch Masons.
At Citizens street railway gate 8 to 10 p.m. — Eckle S. Bell of Knoxville senate K. A. E. O.; John Sawyer of Masters lodge Free and Accepted Masons; L. B. Franeberger [sic], of Corona lodge, Knights of Pythias.
At Knoxville street railway gate 8 to 10 p.m. — A. L. Freeman of Knoxville senate K. A. E. O.; E. T. White, Catholic Knights of America.
The ladies of the hospital board held a meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday morning. The meeting was for the purpose of discussing the final arrangements for the Hospital Day. The list of young ladies who are to act as conductors tomorrow was arranged and is as follows:
Misses Edith Locke, Marie Ross, Pauline Woodruff, Carrie Louise Boyd, Margaret Chapman, Iva McMullen, Mary Fleming, Willard Ella Fanz, Emma Acre, Flanders, Perry, Moses, Emma Wilson, Lynne, Fair, Mary Locke, Bessie Mizner, Lyons, Gaut, Beard, Kellar, Jenkins, Emma Fanz, Margaret Woodruff, Elizabeth McCormick, McCoy, Willie Cleag, Dempster, Price, Brazelton, Wilson, Annie Wilson, Perry, McArthur, Lula O’conner [sic], Saxton McDermott, Miller, Nelson, Cooley, Ault, Kincaid, Artie Spence, Jennie Luttrell, Nelson, Ada Fanz, Cruze, Moffett, Wilson, Leftwitch, Harrell, Flora Rodgers, Mary Allison, Grace Gurley, McFarland, Fizer, M. Ault, Adkins, Ristine, Russell, Moore, Murphy, Scruggs, Cohen, Waltersdorf, Grace McCreary, Edmee Boynton, Ola Gibbins.
Chaperones were named for each car, and the young ladies will be afforded every opportunity for making a success of their venture on the cars.
The young ladies named above are requested to meet at ten o’clock this morning in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, at which time they will receive all instructions and information necessary for the proper carrying out of the work before them to-morrow.
The programs for the two concerts to be given tomorrow have at last been arranged. The various numbers are throughout such as will prove most entertaining. The best and most popular musicians of the city have offered their services in connection with these benefit concerts. A special feature of the evening program will be the rendition of several numbers by the choir of St. John’s Episcopal church. The programs are as follows:
Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock.
1. Address (two minutes) — Dr. J. H. Frazee.
2. Selection — Crouch band.
3. Vocal solo, “Could It Last.” — Mr. Davis.
4. Violin solo — “Condante and Scherzo” — David — Mr. Thomas Crouch.
4. Vocal selection — “Beauty’s Eyes” — Tosti. Y. M. C. A. Quartette.
6. Vocal solo — “Day Dreams.” — Strekzki [sic], Miss Mooney.
7. Piano solo — “La Tranata [sic]” — Sydney Smith — Miss Burkheim.
Part II.
1. Selection — Crouch band.
2. Vocal solo — Miss Mooney.
3. Vocal selection — Y. M. C. A. quartette.
4. Xylophone solo — Mr. Kibby.
5. Vocal solo — “Happy Days.” — Mr. Davis.
Violin obligato — Mr. Thomas Crouch.
6. Selected reading — Miss Buhl.
7. Selection — Crouch band.
8. Address — Hon. W. L. Welcker.
Friday evening, at 8 o’clock:
Address, by Hon. H. H. Ingersoll.
Overture — Clark’s orchestra.
The Palms (Buck-Faure) — St. John’s choir.
Recitation — Mrs. French.
Creole Love Song (Buck) — Mr. Reinhart.
Xylophone solo — Mr. Kibby.
Solo — Miss Fleming.
“Like as Our Father.” (Hatton) St. John’s Choir.
Recitation. — Mrs. French.
Concert and trombone duet — Mr. Jones, Mr. Hicks, Clark’s Orchestra.
Two Grenadiers (Schumann) — Mr. F. Ault.
Solo — Miss Fleming.
“Thanksgiving” (Tebbs). — St. John’s Choir.
Address — Rev. Dr. Ringgold.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 3, 1896, page 3
Eight Hundred Dollars Gathered by the Ladies on Hospital Day
Expectations of the most Enthusiastic far Exceeded. Board Expresses Its Appreciation of Aid Extended
Never has there been a more successful undertaking for sweet charity’s sake in Knoxville, than was “Hospital Day” on Friday.
The ladies of the hospital board held a meeting yesterday morning, at which the receipts for the occasion were approximated at $800. The street cars of both companies were liberally patronized, and a large number of people attended the two concerts at Lake Ottosee.
The ladies were agreeably surprised at the public interest manifested in the affair; and particularly ins this true on account of the fact that they had not anticipated making over $500 in the enterprise.
They had already a considerable sum deposited to their credit, and this together with the receipts of Friday will swell the total to almost $1,500.
The hospital will cost at least $50,000 and the ladies have the credit for raising the first part of this vast amount. They hope to gain assistance by private subscriptions and the like, and within twelve months to have at least $10,000 on hand.
The monies collected by the ladies are deposited with the various banks of the city, and in each instance are drawing interest, which sums will be added to the fund.
At the meeting yesterday morning the ladies passed resolutions of thanks expressing their appreciation of the courtesies rendered by the Knoxville and Citizens’ Railway company by Messrs. Howell, Howard and Skelding, the motormen and conductors of the street cars, and the press of the city.
The committee on general arrangements for “Hospital Day” desire to heartily thank the three daily papers for keeping the work before the people, and for the courtesies extended by each and every paper; and to thank Messrs. Howell and Howard for giving them all the cars on the Knoxville Street railroad and for the many attentions shown to the ladies who officiated in their offices on that day, also to Messrs. Skelding and Harrison for their kindness in turning over to the hospital building and promoting board, their well-equipped cars on Park street, and “the shoot.” The committee wishes to specially thank the polite conductors and motormen for their valuable assistance to the young ladies in charge of cars. Without an exception they all seemed united in making the day a grand success.
Through the kindness of Messrs. Galyon and Selden, the concert state was built, Mr. Crouch furnishing the palms which so beautified it. Mr. McArthur loaned this nice piano. Messrs. Kern and Newcomer the flags. To Messrs. Allen and Stephenson, Hall & Donahue, E. B. Mann & Co., and Sterchi Bros., is due thanks for chairs, and to Mr. Edelen, for transporting them to and from the lake.
The Palace Livery stable loaned the awning which made the pavilion so comfortable. Messrs. S. B. Newman & Co., Bean, Warters & Gaut, and Ogden Bros. & Co., each did a large shared of printing for “sweet charity.”
Mr. Post kindly gave the painting of the car streamers, and Messrs. M. B. Arnstein, and Young & Carter, the cloth for same.
The Southern Bill Posting company gave the ladies a receipted bill for their work. Mr. A. P. Lahr donated bunting and ribbon. The committee is indebted to all the participants in the concerts, and wish to express special thanks to Mrs. Clapp, Prof. Nelson, Miss Fleming, Miss Mooney and Mr. Davis for their very pleasing entertainments, also to the secret orders who furnished gatekeepers and rendered assistance in various ways. Mr. McNabb’s kind donation of $25 is accepted with thanks. From “a friend” is received $5 “for expenses only,” which is amply sufficient. The committee wishes to thank the many young ladies and chaperones who responded so cheerfully, and the generous public, and desires to say that it will turn into the “Hospital Fund” over $800 clear of expense.
Transcriber’s Note: $800 in 1896 is worth approximately $22,860 in 2015.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 2, 1896, page 5
Today the Day Hospital Board Will Have Charge of the Town. Street Railways, Shoot the Chute and Concerts at Lake Ottosee To Raise Funds for the Hospital
To-day is Hospital Day.
For many weeks the ladies of the hospital board have been looking forward with pleasant anticipation to this occasion.
Two grand concerts will be given at Lake Ottosee, and both bid fair to surpass anything of the kind ever attempted in Knoxville. They will be given at two o’clock this afternoon and eight o’clock to-night and it is confidently expected that fully 2,000 people will assemble in and about the beautiful pavilion at the lake to hear the concert.
Already a large number of tickets have been sold, and of course additional hundreds will be disposed of.
The programs for the two concerts are as follows:
This afternoon at two o’clock:
Part I.
Two Minutes Talk — Dr. Frazee.
1. Selection — Crouch Orchestra.
2. — Vocal solo — “Could I” — Tosti. Mr. Tom A. Davis.
3. Violin solo — “Amdante [sic] and Scherzo” — David. Mr. Thomas Crouch.
4. Vocal selection — “Beauty’s Eyes” — Tosti. Association quartette, Dr. Zemp, Mr. White, Mr. McSpadden, Mr. Baldwin.
5. Vocal solo — “Day Dream” — Strelezki, Miss Mooney.
6. Piano solo — “La Trariata [sic].” — Smith, Miss Burkheim.
Part II.
1. Selection — Crouch orchestra.
2. Vocal solo — “Your Voice.” — Denza. Miss Mooney.
3. Vocal selection — “In Silent Mead.” — Giffe, Association quartette.
4. Xylophone solo — Mr. Kibby.
5. Vocal solo — “Happy Days.” — Strelezki. Mr. Tom A. Davis.
6. Violin obligato — Mr. Thomas Crouch
7. Selected reading, Miss Buhl.
8. Selection — Crouch orchestra.
Address — Hon. W. L. Welcker.
To-night at eight o’clock:
1. Address, by Hon. H. H. Ingersoll.
2. Overture — Clark’s orchestra.
3. The Palms (Buck-Faure) — St. John’s choir.
4. Recitation — Mrs. French.
5. Creole Love Song (Buck) — Mr. Reinhart.
6. Xylophone solo — Mr. Kibby.
7. Solo — Miss Fleming.
8. “Like as Our Father.” (Hatton) St. John’s choir.
9. Recitation. — Mrs. French.
10. Concert and trombone duet — Mr. Jones, Mr. Hicks, Clark’s orchestra.
11. Two Grenadiers (Schumann) — Mr. F. Ault.
12. Solo — Miss Fleming.
13. “Thanksgiving.” (Tebbs). — St. John’s choir.
14. Address — Rev. Dr. Ringgold.
During the afternoon and evening all the cars of the Knoxville and Citizen’s railway companies will be placed at the disposal of the ladies. From noon to-day until midnight every fare collected will go to the hospital fund. No passes will be accepted, nor transfers taken. The tockets [sic] will be five cents straight on all the lines.
The street cars will be presided over by young ladies who will officiate as conductors. A large number have signified their willingness to serve, and already the assignees to the cars have been arranged. The young ladies will meet at the Knoxville street railway building on Gay street at 1:3 this morning, at which time they will be assigned to their different cars.
It was reported that Hon. R. L. Taylor would speak in North Knoxville to-night. Mrs. McCreary succeeded yesterday in inducing the aspirant to the gubernatorial chair to declare off his engagement for to-night. Governor Taylor was at Clinton yesterday, and several messages were sent him requesting that the date be cancelled.
To all of these he replied that he was more than willing to give way to the wishes of the ladies. The crowd which would have attended the silver meeting to-night will now go to Lake Ottosee.
Manager J. B. Harrison of the Paul Boynton Chute company has very kindly agreed to give half the day’s receipts of the shoot – the chute – to the hospital fund. This in itself will doubtless prove of considerable financial help to the cause.
Charles McNabb desires it again stated that the entire receipts at his restaurant to-day will go to the hospial [sic] fund.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 4, 1896, page 5
For Sweet Charity — Hospital Day Observed by the Ladies Yesterday. Young Ladies Punch the Tickets and Pull the Bell Cords on the Street Cars
“Hospital Day” was indeed a success.
Yesterday was the day for the great event, and it seemed that the entire city had determined to make it an occasion long to be remembered in the history of the hospital movement.
The beautiful sunshiny weather was all that could be desired, and the enthusiasm displayed on all sides was such as to encourage the ladies in their noble work for humanity’s sake.
For sometime past “Hospital Day” has been looked forward to with considerable pleasant anticipations, and the manner in which it passed is sufficient to repay the ladies for the efforts they made, which were indeed eminently successful.
The idea of devoting the receipts of the street cars to the hospital fund originated with Mr. A. B. Skelding the genial superintendent of the Citizen’s Railway. It was he who suggested it to the ladies, and under the excellent leadersihp of Mrs. W. L. McCreary, it was successfully planned and carried out. Mr. Howell of the Knoxville Street railway voluntarily offered the ladies the use of his cars, immediately upon hearing of the plan that had been suggested.
Both Messrs. Howell and Skelding rendered the ladies every assistance in their power, and were exceedingly courteous in their carrying out the wishes and ideas of the ladies at the head of the movement.
Hospital Day was formally opened yesterday at noon when the cars of both the street railway systems were turned over to the hospital board.
A throng of happy young ladies who had volunteered their services as conductors, were assembled in the waiting rooms at the office of the Knoxville street railway. A few minutes after 12 o’clock Master of Transportation Miller announced that the first car was ready and would be placed in charge of Misses Carrie Lou Boyd and Mizner. The two young ladies mentioned bravely mounted a Lake Ottosee open car, ad with the air characteristic of experienced conductors gave the motorman the signal to move on. The also paid close attention to the trolley rope, and were not long in catching on to the various conventionalities incident to the duties of a conductor. The young ladies were accompanied by Mr. Jake Carter, a veteran conductor, and he showed them every courtesy within his power, and give all information possible in answer to the legion of questions of his fair associates, relative to the various features of the make up of the cars, and also of the life of a conductor. Jake says the young ladies are now ready to take his job, and he is fearful of being forced to resign.
Following the Lake car came others in rapid succession. Each was boarded by two young ladies until within an hour all of the twenty-two cars of the Knoxville street railway system were in charge of the ladies.
Meanwhile the Park street or Citizen’s line had also been taken in charge, and every twenty minutes the beautiful “yellow vestibules” wound out from the depot manned by two charming young ladies, who on every trip had a cargo of passengers such as considerably increased the revenues of the day.
With but few exceptions the young ladies were continually changing from one line to another. This was done in order that all might fare like relative to the choice of routes, etc.
The Middlebrook and Asylum street “lightning lines” with their superior equipment were designated as the lines upon which the young ladies should serve their apprenticeships. Accordingly each couple was made to take a trip over each of these routes before taking charge of a car on any one of the other better patronized lines.
At the end of each trip the young ladies “cashed in” to Mrs. Frank Post, who officiated as treasurer for the day.
The conductors of the cars likewise made returns of tickets to Mr. Miller.
The young ladies who served as conductors were as follows:
Miss Grace McCreary, Pauline Woodruff, Edith Locke, Marie Ross, Carrie Lou Boyd, Iva McMullen, Lizzie McCormick, Nellie Jenkins, Emma Fanz, Nellie Miller, Grace Gurley, Lizzie Fizer, Bessie Mizner, Annie Nelson, Elora Rogers, Bertie Saxton, Mary Murphy, Edith Moore, Marion Geddes, Kate Potter, Etta Flenniken, Lennis Atkins, Lizzie Ristine, Pearl Renfroe, Belle Leftwich, Pattie Allison, Annie Brazzleton, Mary Flemming, Margaret Chapman, Nellie Willard, Emma Acree, Mary Wilson, Mable Flanders, Blanche Perry, Blanche Dempster, Lizzie Cooley, Artie Spence, Jennie Luttrell, Ada Fanz, Mary Allison, Edmee Boynton, Ola Gibbins, Cohen, Waltersdorf, Scruggs, Ault, McArthur, Kellar, McCoy, Beard, Belle Woodruff, Annie Nelson, Sophie Harrell, Kincaid, McDermott, Ada Fanz, Cruze, McFarland, Price, Lucy Lyons, Willie Cleague, Della Moses.
The day passed without interruption until about 5:30 o’clock, when the power was cut off for a few moments. It would have been unfair to have allowed the young ladies to have spent the day on the cars without giving them a full and complete experience. Though the current was off for but a few minutes, it was a sufficient length of time for the young ladies to become acquainted with the inconveniences of anti-current situation.
The receipts on the cars far exceeded the expectations of the ladies of the board. The sum total will amount to several hundred dollars. This was brought about in part by the policy put into force by several of the young ladies in keeping all the change. Several are known to have presented quarters, half dollars and dollars, and instead of receiving the requisite “free silver” for change they were given pasteboards “good for one continuous ride on hospital day only” In one instance a prominent man is said to have been deprived of ten dollars.
The full report as to the proceeds form the cars will be determined to-day.
At Lake Ottosee
The spacious pavilion at Lake Ottosee was twice crowded with representative people who assembled to hear the concerts which had been arranged by the ladies of the hospital board.
In the afternoon fully four hundred people were assembled in the pavilion, and last night a like number together with many others who were unable to get in.
The receipts from these concerts will likewise be turned into the hospital fund. “Home talent” gave the concerts, and everyone connected with them gave their services free of all cost.
The gate-keepers and ticket-sellers were representatives of the various secret orders of the city, and the ladies greatly appreciate the services rendered by these gentlemen.
The program of the afternoon concert was as follows:
Part I.
Two Minutes Talk — Dr. Frazee.
1. Selection — Crouch Orchestra.
2. Vocal Solo — “Could I,” Tosti. Mr. Tom A. Davis.
3. Violin Solo — “Andante and Scherzo,” David. Mr. Thomas Crouch.
4. Vocal Selection — “Beauty’s Eyes,” Tosti. Association Quartette, Dr. Zem, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. White, Mr. McSpadden.
5. Vocal Solo — “Day Dreams,” Strelezki, Miss Mooney.
6. Piano Solo — “La Traviata,” Smith, Miss Burkheim.
Part II.
1. Selection — Crouch Orchestra.
2. Vocal Solo — “Your Voice,” Denza, Miss Mooney.
3. Vocal Selection — “In Silent Mead,” Giffe, Association Quartette.
4. Xylophone Solo — Mr. Kibby.
5. Vocal Solo — “Happy Days,” Strelezki. Mr. Tom A. Davis.
Violin Obligata — Mr. Thos. Crouch.
6. Select Reading — Miss Buhl.
7. Selection — Crouch Orchestra.
Hon. W. L. Welcker.
As a climax of the day’s success last night’s concert at the lake certainly eclipsed everything of the kind ever attempted in the city. By the time the first number of the program the large pavilion was crowded and even the platform leading from the car tracks was filled with those unable to obtain standing room on the floor below. The beautiful decorations seconded by the fashionably dressed audience presented indeed a gala appearance and when the music of the orchestra added its quota the effect was enchanting. But what added a peculiarly delicious flavor to the entire scene was the knowledge that it was all for sweet charity’s sake. And sweet charity was represented in this case by the coming new hospital, was most certainly bettered by many dollars on account of the concert. A conservative estimate would put the number of those present at fifteen hundred at least.
This immense crowd was well repaid for the trouble and expense incurred in attending for not only did it have the comfortable feeling of bestowing charity, but also listened to an excellently rendered musical program. That this was thoroughly appreciated was shown by the fact that almost every number was encored again and again. The entire program was so attractive that it would be impossible to select its best features. As rendered the numbers were as follows:
Mr. H. H. Ingersoll.
Overture — Clark’s Orchestra.
The Palms, (Buck-Faure) — St. John’s choir.
Recitation — Mrs. French.
Selection — Clark’s Orchestra.
Creole Love Song, (Buck) — Mr. Rinehart.
Xylophone Solo — Mr. Kibby.
Solo — Miss Fleming.
Like as a Father, (Hatton) — St. John’s choir.
Recitation — Mrs. French.
Cornet and Trombone Duett [sic] — Mr. Jones and Mr. Hicks, of Clark’s Orchestra.
Two Grenadiers, (Schumann) — Mr. F. Ault.
Solo — Miss Fleming.
Thanksgiving (Tibbs) — St. John’s choir.
Rev. Dr. Ringgold.
After the completion of the program the crowd gradually diminished as each car departed loaded to the rail and in an hour the last passenger was being rapidly conveyed homeward.
Some time was occupied at the stables in the arrangement of accounts, etc., and it was not until twelve o’clock that some of the lady managers could seek their respective homes. For the immense success of Hospital Day the credit is of course due principally to the ladies who conceived the idea and labored so earnestly in consummating it. As deserving next the gratitude of the community the managers of the respective street car lines should be mentioned, for without their coercion the scheme would have been impracticable. After these they young ladies who so faithfully rode and collected fares are deserving of the community’s gratitude and finally the great number of citizens who so liberally patronized everything should be accorded the thanks of the coming generations that are to profit by the openhandedness of their ancestors. With yesterday’s receipts added to the fund the early erection of an up-to-date hospital and one of which Knoxville will be proud is asured [sic] and long may it stand as a monument to the energy and charitableness of the Marble City’s noble women.
Did you get your change?
Did you see the girls in their efforts to put on the trolley?
Mr. B. R. Strong made glad the hearts of the children of the Mission Home yesterday by furnishing them tickets to Turner park and return. They [sic] ride and outing was greatly enjoyed by the little ones.
In an interview with a Journal reporter, Mr. Howell stated that he was thinking seriously of employing ladies to conduct his cars. He was very much pleased with the excellent work done by the young ladies yesterday.
The young ladies were supposed to be invested with all powers and privileges of regular conductors (and they were). Accordingly a young lady officiating on a Broadway car conceived the idea of leaving the car while it was in motion. Upon reaching the station on South Gay street she attempted to thus dismount. The result can easily be imagined, the handsome conductress was thrown to the ground, but fortunately was not hurt.
A good story is told on Judge Neil, of the court of chancery appeals. The judge together with his colleagues of the court had taken a day off for the express purpose of patronizing the cars in charge of the young ladies. It happened that the judge came out of the Hotel Flanders just as a car was passing. He rushed out and gave a loud whistle to the conductor. This attracted the attention of one of the young ladies on the car. She immediately turned her attention to the judge, who was making strenuous efforts to reach the car. Instead of stopping the car, however, as Judge Neil desired, she made a face at him the result of which completely collapsed his honor. It subsequently developed that the young lady was of the opinion the venerable judge was seeking a flirtation with her.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, September 5, 1896, page 4
“Hospital Day” Fund-raiser in September, 1896 — No Comments
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