City Hospital: City Council & Financial Reports in the 1880’s and 90’s
The City Fathers. Regular Meeting of the City Council last Night
The Board of Mayor and Aldermen met in the council chamber at the city hall last night in regular session. …
City Book-keeper Richards read the following statement of receipts and expenditures of the city from January 24th to date:
City hospital, discount on coal, $3.24
City hospital, $756.13
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, June 9, 1888, page 5
The New Board Sworn in and Enters upon Its Duties Yesterday. … Elected … Dr. C. W. Cawood City Physician
The old are out and the new are in. This is the way the city council stands at present.
Yesterday morning the last session of the old city council was held. …
The routine business of the board was taken up at once. …
Dr. S. B. Boyd, of the board of health, made his annual report. A shortage in finances to the amount of eighteen cents was ordered paid. The report was read and ordered filed.
The annual report of City Physician West was made. It stated that the city hospital had undergone many improvements during the year past, and was now in better condition than ever before. An addition of four wards was recommended for the use of patients with contagious diseases. The physician reported that ninety-three patients had been treated in the hospital during the year. The report was received and filed.
The New Council
For the office of city physician, the following candidates were introduced:
Dr. Cates, by Alderman Murphy; Dr. C. E. Ristine by Aiken; Dr. Davis by Lynn; Dr. E. S. Rogers, by Williams; Dr. West for re-election, by Jones; Dr. C. W. Cawood by Boyd.
On the first ballot Dr. Davis received four votes and Dr. Cawood three. On the second ballot each of the above, four each, and Dr. Ristine one. Dr. Ristine was withdrawn and on the third ballot Dr. Cawood received five votes and was declared elected.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, January 26, 1890, page 7
Facts in Figures. Comptroller Kennedy’s Financial Statement Submitted. The Receipts, Disbursements, Resources, Liabilities, Tax Aggregate, Sinking Fund, Scholastic Population, Etc.
Following will be found the report of Comptroller Kennedy of the financial condition of the city of Knoxville at the close of the fiscal year, January 22d, 1892:
City hospital, $84.00
Small pox, $600.00
City hospital, $2,577.72
City hospital, $7,300
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, January 24, 1892, page 10
The Old and New. A Large Crowd at the City Hall Yesterday Morning. Mayor Thompson’s Message. …
Some fifty or sixty representative business men of the city were present at the city hall yesterday to witness the outgoing of the old board of mayor and aldermen and the incoming of the new.
On motion of Alderman Murphy the salary of the city physician was raised to $1,200, Alderman Payne dissenting. Nominations for city physician was [sic] then made. The names of Drs. J. Overton, of the sixth ward, W. H. McNutt and Frank Fitzgerald were presented. Dr. Overton was elected.
[Transcriber’s note: at the same meeting, the salary of the city attorney was raised from $1,200/year to $1,800/year.]
Hospital — R. J. Jarnagin, chairman; G. J. Ashe, Jas. P. Kennedy.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, January 24, 1892, page 10
Doings of the Kids. Important Session of the City Council last Night. Numerous Matters of Vital Importance Disposed of — Amount of Charity Money Collected, Etc.
The mayor and board of aldermen met in adjourned session last night, His Honor Mayor Thompson presiding.
Alderman Jarnagin read the report of the hospital committee. Sixty-six patients were received during the year, males 57, females 9; white 53, colored 13. There were 8 deaths, 5 white and 3 colored. Six deaths were from consumption, one from paralysis, and one from injury received in railroad accident [sic]. Twelve patients were treated outside of the hospital.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, January 25, 1893, page 5
The Comptroller’s Report. Financial Condition of the City at the Close of the Year’s Business
The comptroller’s report of the financial condition of the city of Knoxville, Tenn., at the close of the fiscal year, January 23, 1893, submitted last night, was as follows:
City Hospital, $245.00
City hospital, $2,790.32
Hospital, furniture, supplies, $450.00
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, February 4, 1893, page 5
The First of the Year. Important Session of the City Council Held
The city council held its first regular session for 1893 last night. …
The mayor read his annual message which is as follows:
Mayor’s Office, Knoxville, Tenn., February 3rd, 1893.
To the Honorable Board of Aldermen, Gentlemen: In obedience to a long established custom, I feel it to be my duty to call your especial attention to what I believe to be certain matters connected with the city’s interest that need prompt and effective attention upon your part:
City Hospital — It is the duty of all governments to properly provide for the poor and afflicted within their borders, and with this end in view, I all your attention to the fact that the city hospital is entirely insufficient for the demands that are made upon it, and therefore recommend that it be properly enlarge [sic] and its faculties [sic] for caring for the sick de [sic] generally improved.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, February 4, 1893, page 5
In the First Round. … Budget for ’96 Passed First Reading
Alderman Allison, chairman of the finance committee then presented the budget for consideration and offered it as an ordinace [sic] to pass on first reading. In presenting the ordinance the gentleman stated: “After considerable labor, the child had been born and its name is Budget for ’96. While it is not an Apollo nor a Hercules it is our own, and we must do the best we can with it.”
The budget is as follows:
Budget for 1896
City Hospital, $3,000.00
Salaries as under:
City Physician, $1,200.00
The ordinace [sic] passed first reading, without a dissenting vote. …
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, February 22, 1896, page 3
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