Chattanooga Nurses in World War I Service
Local Nurses Going Over Sea
Chattanooga Furnishes Goodly Number of Graduates for War Work
One Is now in France
Applicants Well Qualified and No Reason Why They Should Not Be Accepted
If the graduate nurses from the different hospitals in Chattanooga who have applied for overseas Red Cross service are accepted the number will almost equal that of Y M C A workers and physicians who have gone from this city. Some have alread been accepted and the heads of the hospitals say there is no reason why they should not all be taken although the requirements are rigid even since the government has made a good many concessions.
Some of the graduate nurses are waiting to hear the results of the others’ applications before applying themselves and Miss Pearson superintendent at Erlanger says there are at least four more who will register from that hospital besides the following: Misses Sarah Young, Susan Flanery, Helen Burt, Belle Lawrence, Ruth Tisdale, Clara Annaberg, Ruth Hampton, Kate Turner, Nan Sutthin, Inez Layfield, and Jack Ellis. Miss Pearson commends every one of these young ladles in the highest terms and says she is confident that those who have not already been accepted will be. Some of their papers have been sent to the hospital and have been duly filled out and returned to headquarters in New York.
West-Ellis Hospital
There are three nurses from West-Ellls doing army work at Camp McPherson, Atlanta, Ga. These are Miss Beulah Bale, Miss Agnes Brown and Miss Senie Devanie. Three others have signed as eligible for overseas Red Cross work. These are Mrs. Bertyne Anderson, Miss Lena Henry and Miss Allis Edgerman. The head nurse at West-Ellis expresses every confidence in these applicants as being fully equipped to do whatever work might be assigned them overseas.
Miss Ina Rigsby, a graduate from the Woolford-Johnson sanitarium, is already in France. After her training here she went to New York and took a post-graduate course. After this she was assigned to duty in a base hospital at Montgomery, Ala., and from there joined the Red Cross overseas nurses and was sent to France. She has been in France now about two months. Miss Rigsby was formerly from Dayton. Miss Claudia Lancaster has charge of the welfare work at the Richmond Hosiery mills.
Miss Agnes Colburn who is one of the visiting nurses for the city and Miss Helen Brenton who is filling an office position are graduates of this sanitarium. Mrs. Brockman, superintendent, says all are well qualified for the Red Cross work, and she is of the opinion that they have registered for the overseas service.
Newell & Newell Sanitarium
Miss Pearl Johnson and Miss Margaret McDougal, from the Newell & Newell sanitarium are already doing Red Cross work in army camps. Miss Edna Redwine is another qualified graduate who expects to make application for army work.
Source: The Chattanooga (TN) News, 13 Aug 1918, page 6
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