11 Graduate from Training at Riverside (May, 1923)
Graduation exercises of the nurses’ training department of Riverside hospital were conducted Monday night at the Nurses’ home, Riverside drive. A large number of friends of the graduates were in attendance.
Diplomas were presented 11 [sic] graduates. Dr. V. D. Holloway made the address and presented the diplomas.
The exercises were held on the porch at the home and decorations were of white and green, the class colors.
Rev. O. E. Turner, assistant pastor of First Baptist Church, offered an invocation. The address of the evening was delivered by Dr. E. R. Zemp. Dr. A. G. Kern presided over the program. “The Class History” was given by Miss Margaret Sanders. Miss Essie Smith presented the “Class Will and Testament.” The “Class Prophecy” was made by Miss Amanda Smith. Mrs. Algie McMahan presented “Riverside Grumbles.” The “Class Poem” was recited by Miss Edith Campbell. Miss Helen Hayes and Mrs. Charles Mooney rendered solos.
The graduating class was composed of Miss Edith Campbell, Misses Amanda and Essie Smith, Misses Mary and Narcissa Spurgeon, Miss Ella Shelburne, Miss Maude Taylor, Miss Margaret Sanders, Mrs. Algie McMahan, Miss Clara Stidman and Miss Sarah Turley.
Refreshments were served after the interesting program was observed. The dance will be given tonight at the Lyceum building.
Source: Knoxville Journal and Tribune – May 1, 1923 – Page 15
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