Medical Students’ Societies Formed (1890 & 1892)
Medical Students
The students of the medical college met last evening and reorganized the Students Tennessee Medical College society. The following officers were elected: T. F. Fitzgerald, president; J. D. Nuchols, vice-president; J. R. Thomas, secretary and treasurer; T. O. McCollie, corresponding secretary; N. C. Ellis, sergeant-at-arms. They did not reorganize till they got into the new college, where an elegant hall has been furnished them by the faculty. The boys organized with a good number of members, and the society begins the second year of its existence with auspicious prospects for the future. The Students Tennessee Medical College society was organized by the first class of the Tennessee Medical College for, as all other college societies are, the mutual improvement of its members.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, December 16, 1890, page 8
Organized a Medical Society
The students of the Tennessee medical college to-day organized a medical society to be known as the Tennessee Medical College society and will meet once a week to discuss the different branches of medicine and dentistry.
The following officers were elected: J. E. Vaughan of Virginia, president; B. Hill of Alabama, vice president, and S. T. Casenbing, secretary.
Source: Knoxville Daily Journal and Tribune, November 6, 1892, page 1
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